New Day.

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Dravin had moved us to the bed sometime during the night, I hadn't even noticed, I was so relaxed in his arms, he made me feel so warm and safe. I wondered what time it was when I woke up because it was still dark in the room from the dark curtains that were pulled.
"What time is it?" I sprung up from my pillow.
"8:00 am" Dravin says nonchalantly.
"I'm going to jump in the shower real quick."
"Hurry back." He said with a smirk. As I stood up I felt dizzy, like I was going to throw up, i covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me, Puking up everything that I had eaten from the night before. In the middle of throwing up I heard Dravin knock on the door. I didn't answer him because I couldn't, he came into the bathroom and stood behind me holding my hair back.
"Are you ok?" He says a little concerned.
"Yeah, I'm ok I think I just ate something bad." I wiped my mouth.
"We ate the same thing and I feel ok."
"Yeah but you're a vampire, vampires don't get sick remember?"
"True, what do you think is bothering you?"
"I don't know, maybe I'm getting the stomach flu?" I really hoped I wasn't getting sick.
"Well if your sick then I'm taking care of you"
"No that's ok, I'm feeling better, I promise."
"Are you sure?" He frowned.
"Yes, I'm ok. Really." I grabbed his hand reassuring him.
"Ok, I'll let you shower and get ready." He kissed my cheek and left the bathroom. I got in the shower letting the warm water hit my skin, making me feel somewhat better, I washed my hair and continued to clean myself.
I got out and wrapped a towel around my body, and on my head. I needed to brush my teeth, i had a bad taste in my mouth from throwing up. After I was dry enough I put on my clothes and left the bathroom. Dravin was sound asleep again.
"Dravin, we have to go see Elu and Eyota." I said loudly. He still didn't wake up, so I crawled on the bed and kissed him gently.
"Wake up we have to go." I whispered.
"Ugh, why can't we just stay in bed all day?" He groans.
"You know why, they need us."
"Fine, let me change and I'll meet you downstairs."
"You could have been ready this entire time, but ok, see you downstairs." I rolled my eyes. I was about to head out the door when he sat up and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. He looks into my eyes concerned.
"Are you sure your feeling better?"
"I promise I'm ok, don't worry." He nods and let's go of my hand watching me as I left the room. I walked downstairs and surprisingly I was greeted by Maura. She was fixing the furniture and fluffing the pillows.
"Good morning Alissa, did you sleep well?" She said kindly.
"Good morning Maura, and yes I did thank you." I smiled.
"Where are you off to this morning?" She asks.
"We have to go see Elu and Eyota, and make a plan on what's going to happen with their uncle." I was actually really nervous about that.
"Oh that's right, I'm pretty sure Augustine is there already." She looks at me.
"Really? I was hoping he would be, he makes everyone more calm when he's around."
"Yes, that's one of the many reasons why I married him. She smiled, exposing her perfect white teeth.
I want to tell you a story Alissa, come sit with me." She says gesturing towards the black leather couch. She takes my hands in hers.
"I was around your age when I met Augustine, he was the most wonderful man, always telling me how much I meant to him, saying I was the love of his life. When I was pregnant with Dravin I had some complications, I was bleeding, and the doctor had told me to stay on bed rest, and only get up if I needed to. Back then it was more high risk for a mother to die during childbirth because there was nothing they could really do if something went wrong. It was 1672 and a lot of mothers had complications, there were days where I couldn't even get out of bed because of the pain in my back. He would bring me anything I wanted or needed, always telling me how beautiful I looked even though I was puffy and I gained weight. He'd rub my feet and tell me everything was going to be ok and that I had nothing to worry about. Even though I was terrified inside, afraid I was going to loose my baby or that I wouldn't be around to take care of him." Maura was starting to cry and I could feel the pain in her voice as she spoke, I felt sad for her, I couldn't imagine what she went through.
'He made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth and I will never forget that. When Dravin was born I was so relived that everything went perfectly, he was healthy and so was I, as if some miracle happened. With our other children everything went fine, no complications, no morning sickness, no weight gain, I couldn't believe it. We decided to stop having children after the twins were born. Our closest friends Adam and Elizabeth had lost their son due to a disease that was incurable and it was spreading throughout the town like a plague. It was only targeting infants and since the girls were already 3 almost 4 they had missed their chances of becoming ill, with that certain disease. The kids did get sick here and there but it was never anything we couldn't handle. We were so grateful none of our children ever caught any diseases so we decided that it would be best if we stopped with the twins. Augustine and I always planned on having a large family and we did have a large one to most people, but we wanted to at least have one or two more children, it just wasn't worth it if we had lost them. After Dravin found Thorne we knew that he would complete our family. That void was gone, and we both consider Thorne as a member of the family. We love him like our son. I guess what I'm trying to say is Augustine will always be there for you if you need him, it's just who he is, a kind and selfless person who would give you the shirt off his back if you asked for it, always helping others in need, and he has a great bedside manner. I'm always the one who worries and he's the calm one, I love that about him, he's so comforting. Maura looks at me with her emerald eyes. I'll always be there for you too Alissa, now that you're going to be apart of this family I can soon call you one of my daughters." She smiles.
"Thank you Maura. I smiled and then hugged her. I appreciate you saying that."
"You're welcome sweetheart." I then heard Dravin clear his throat loudly. He saw Maura and I hugging.
"Am I interrupting?" He asked.
"Good morning darling, and no I was just telling Alissa a story that's all." Maura smiles shyly.
"Oh well in that case we should probably get going then." He looks at me and motions out the door.
"Right. I say standing up. Thanks for the story Maura." I smiled warmly at her. She's a very warm spirited person and easily liked.
"No problem honey." She then continued to fluff the pillows. She just has to have everything perfect. At least that's what I've noticed during my short time here.
"Ready?" I ask Dravin. He nods.

Dravin and I got into the black oil-slick car and drove over to Elu and Eyota's, on the way there I couldn't help but think about what Athena had said. I'm not exactly happy with Dravin's choice, but I have to accept it if I don't want to fight with him anymore, I felt like a broken record always telling him the same things about what I wanted and hearing him tell me the same things over and over again, I learned that fighting was pointless, Dravin usually gets what he wants and he's good at getting it. So needless to say I went to Elu and Eyota's as my regular boring old human self. Which I was 90% ok with. I just hate it when Dravin is right.
We arrived at the house and Eyota met us outside as she usually does.
"Hey!" She says and pulls me into a big hug. She hugged me tight making it hard to breathe.
"Can't breathe." I choked out.
"Sorry. She smiled apologetically. I missed you that's all."
"No worries, and I missed you too." I smiled.
"Is my dad here?" Dravin asks.
"He was but your mom called him home, she said something about how the painting in the living room was uneven." Eyota laughed slighly. Dravin shook his head.
"That's my mom for you. Has to have everything perfect and if the slightest thing is out of place, she notices." I smiled.
"Come on in." Eyota motioned for us to enter. As we walked inside a strong smell of bacon and eggs filled my nostrils.
"Mmhh smells good." I said as my stomach growled in hunger. Since I threw up this morning I was extremely hungry. Why was I sick?
"Good morning Alissa." My uncle said sipping his coffee and reading the morning paper. I guess he has adjusted to living with Elu and Eyota quite nicely.
"Good morning." I said smiling. He didn't bother to say anything to Dravin, I knew he didn't like him.
"You guys hungry? I made extra." Eyota said holding a pan of eggs.
"I'm starving." Dravin says.
"Me too." I say.
Dravin and I both took a seat next to each other facing Elu and my uncle. As Eyota was making our plates I couldn't help but notice my uncle looking at Dravin like he was going to kill him.
"What the hell did you do?" He said angrily.
"Excuse me?" Dravin says pissed off. I looked at my uncle confused.
"You know exactly what you've done, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about Dracula." Elu and Eyota looked as confused as I was, and a little nervous. Although Dravin was just insulted I couldn't help but smile at his comment.
"I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Dravin narrowed his eyes.
"What did he do?" I asked.
"You really don't know what I'm talking about do you? Adahy looked dumbfounded. Dravin just shook his head no.
"Know what?" I said confused.
"Alissa. He sighs and runs his hands through his hair. There was a long pause.
"You're pregnant." My heart sank. Oh crap.

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