37: Mother

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You were cooking as Taewon woke Yohan up and got Eunji dressed up. Sometimes you felt bad because he was doing so much stuff but Taewon said he wanted siblings and he would take care of them just as he took care of the dog when he wanted one.

Taehyung would sometimes go away because of some bad dudes. They still worked at the tattoo shop. You missed that shop. You should visit it sometimes with your kids so they could be with their father and uncle.

"Mom, we have to buy more diapers for Eunji." Taewon said as he entered the kitchen with Eunji on his arms and Yohann walking half asleep as he held onto Taewon's uniform.

"She doesn't have more diapers?!" you said freaking out.

"She has enough for today." he said and sat Eunji on her baby chair and Taewon and Yohan sat down.

"Thanks peanut, a-are you sure I am not putting much in you?" you asked concerned as you placed their plates of oatmeal in front of them.

"Mom, I am seven not five, I can take care of Yohan and Eunji just fine and that is a promise." he said with a big smile and he started eating. Yohan looked at his older brother and ate his oatmeal just like Taewon and you fed Eunji breakfast.

After breakfast Yohan brushed his teeth again and dressed to go to school. You fixed Taewon's collar and they all stood at the door.

"Your dad sent this stuff for you guys." you said as you showed them some silver bracelets. You put it on the boys and put the silver earring on Eunji. You pick up Eunji and Yohan and Taewon walk out. You walk outside too and lock the house as the boys got in the car.

You put Eunji on her car seat and Taewon put her seat belt on and you closed the door and got in the car. You made sure everyone had their seat-belts on and you put on yours. You played some music and all of you started singing as you drove them to school.

You left Taewon at his school first and you saw as he met with his friends and walked inside the school gates. You smiled at how happy he was and drove Yohan and Eunji to day care.

You got off the car when you arrived and got Eunji and Yohan off the car too. You held Yohan's small hand and carried Eunji in your other arm as you walked inside. You bowed at some parents exiting the day care and you looked at Yohan.

"Make sure your sister is safe ok?" you asked and he nodded happily. You smiled at him and kissed his head and handed a sleeping Eunji to the teacher as he grabbed the teacher's hand. They walked inside and you grabbed your phone from your pocket and picked it up as you got inside the car.


"Hey Y/N it's me Jennie."

"Oh my God, hey! It has been a long time since I heard from you."

"I know that is why I called. There is a new cafe down the street from where I work so why don't you come over to the beauty shop and for my break we can hang out there?"

"That sounds lovely, I will see you in a bit, I have to go and do some groceries and make sure the dog won't get inside the pool."

"Ok, see you then."



You hung up and drove off to go to the grocery store.

At the grocery

You had your grip on the cart as you walked down the aisle in the baby section. You grabbed two boxes of diapers and put them in the bottom of the cart and kept going when something caught your eye. It was a pregnancy test box.

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