16:Bloody Escape

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Taehyung's bleeding slowed down but he lost a lot of blood and you all were running against the clock.

You saw as Jimin and Jennie arrived at the room controlling the lights.

You don't know what got into you, you either went brave or psycho but these people had become your family and the kids played with the wrong toy.

Jimin gives you the signal and you stand up straight.

"Help me carry Taehyung." You said as you put one of his arms around your neck. Jungkook came and put Taehyung's other arm around his neck.

"Y/N don't you think it's better if you have a gun?" Yoongi asked. You couldn't. The reason you grabbed a gun was because you hated Sehun, maybe you weren't ready to kill people. No not people, Monsters.

"No, we already talked about the plan. We have the emergency lights on guns and ammo, we will meet with Jennie and Jimin then go through the catacombs, and we only have a certain amount of time before lights go back on." You said as you struggled to keep Taehyung standing.

You get the Walkie talkie and press the button.

"Jimin do it."

Dark. That was the word that described the situation in two different ways. Everything that was happening was dark...an evil kind of dark. The other definition of dark, we couldn't see our surroundings. Jimin turned off the lights and Yoongi and Namjoon were in front of us with the door open and Jin and Hoseok behind us to protect us from every angle.

Next thing you know you are in the hallway. Taehyung's bleeding starts going out fast because of the pressure. The warm red liquid stains your shirt and your arm.

You couldn't see a lot. The emergency lights were dim and the flashlights as well. Gunshots were heard from behind, startling you and tripping on your foot making you, Jungkook and Taehyung fall.

You grunt and struggle to get up. You only had three minutes left. You and the boys started moving faster.

You guys bump into Jimin and Jennie, and you guys start heading to the catacombs. The Con of the whole plan had to happen. The lights were back on and the Monster was right in front of you.

Your Father.

He was standing a few feet away. Everyone didn't breathe. No one blinked. The world stopped moving.

"So you are the cause of this shut down?"

You didn't answer. No one did. But he knew it was you who caused this disaster and you are the cause of this disaster. He chuckled and pulled his hair back.

"Come on sweetie who are you going to trust me or those murderers."

You wouldn't trust anyone at this point. But you don't want people who helped you go through lots of pain.

"Let them go." You said coldly. He raised his eyebrow, his forehead showing a small wrinkle he always had.

"Very well." He throws his guns on the floor and Jennie checks him. She grabs his guns and you switch places with Jimin and they head to the catacombs.

"It's just us sweetie me and y-"

"Don't sweetie me. You are a stranger and will always be." You cut him off. He smirks and sighs.

"You haven't changed a bit. Rebel like your mother." He walked in circles. You didn't take your eyes off him.

He turned his back to you and looked at a painting. "Your grandad painted this while his men were having a fight outside the building." He sighed.

You couldn't hold it anymore. Your blood was boiling, even your skin was hot. You ran to him and jumped on his back and wrapped your arms around his neck tightly and your legs around his waist.

"You son of a bitch! You killed your own father and brother!" You yelled as he struggled to get you off him.

He held your arms and slammed you against the wall. You couldn't breathe for a few seconds but your arms tighten around his neck.

"Get off you bitch!" He yelled and took out a knife and tried to stab you. You dodge it makeing both of you fall.

He drops the knife and you turn him around and put your hand around his throat. He tries to get you off but you hit his head against the floor.

"You also killed mom! She didn't die at childbirth you killed her because she had a girl! And you are not going to kill me!" You keep choking him.

His eyes start closing. You dig your nails in his neck starting to make him bleed and he passes out.

You couldn't kill him. He was an evil man but he was still your father. You release the grip and breathe heavily.

You get off him and run to the catacombs. You run as fast as you can to meet with the boys and you make it outside. You see the boys getting in the car and you run to them.

You get in the car and close the door and Jin drives fast. You lay Taehyung's head on your lap as you catch your breath.

10 minutes later you are at the hospital and they are taking Taehyung to the surgery room. You stand at the door when the doctors stop you and you look as the doctors and your friend disappear.

Friend? Brother? Family? Love? You didn't know what to call him. But he mattered to you. You feel light headed all of a sudden and collapse on the ground.

Jungkook runs to you and catches you before you hit your head on the floor.

"Y/N! What's wrong?!" He yelled distortedly and you lifted up your shirt. He had stabbed you and you didn't notice until now.

"She's losing blood! Call a doctor!"

You look around as everything is blurry and look at Jungkook.

"Y/N stay with me."

His voice fades away and everything turns black.

A/N: Yay new chapter after months! I extremely apologize but also thanks for the people who have supported and been patient with me... I hope to update the next one soon😊 Luv y'all

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