11:Home Routine

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You woke up remembering everything that happened. It wasn't a dream after all it was pure truth.

Your eyes started to tear up but you didn't feel the tears fall. The people who cared about you truly for once are all gone and now you have nothing. You get up the bed and run to the door and start banging it and kicking it.

"Let me go!" you yelled as your tears started falling off your eyes. You stopped banging when the door knob twisted and you backed up.

The door opens and two maids come in. The one in the right had clothes and the other one had a tray with body wash products. Then another maid comes in with your breakfast.

She puts the food on the night table and walks out. You weren't going to eat that especially that it could be poisoned.

You ignored the food and the maid with the products went to the bathroom to prepare your bath. You do a bun and walk to the bathroom and when the maid moves out of the way and you untie your bathrobe and get on the bathtub and you realized that tomorrow was your 21st birthday.

The maid starts bathing you and after a while you are all done. You had a navy blue dress up shirt and black jeans and white sneakers. You walked outside and there were two bodyguards and you walked to the library being followed by the men.

You don't really like most of the books in the library so you re-read the books you have already read. After reading some books you go to use the bathroom but still have the men following you.

After you use the bathroom you notice there's mostly nothing to do so you decide to clean the 1st floor, a bit of scrubbing, sweeping, moping, and of course taking some breaks.

"Miss Y/N your father and fiancé want you to go to the dressing room." one of the men said in a deep voice.

"He's not my fiancé." you said

Once you arrived you saw your father and fiancé with some puffy dresses and non puffy dresses.

"What do you want?"

"You need to try dresses for your birthday."

After trying around 26 dresses you chose a sleeveless light purple puffy dress with layers and glitter all over it.

You like it but it won't make you happy. You already knew about what the party was going to be about so you changed back into what you were wearing earlier and went to go and clean again so you could avoid them two for the rest of the day.

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