38: Crazy

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Your heart dropped and so did Taehyung's. You could see in his eyes the fear.

"Let my kids go!" you yelled.

"You finally gave me an heir. Now I took him, well them. Didn't think you were going to give me three grand kids." he said. You weren't present but you could feel him smiling.

"Where are they?!" you yelled.

"Relax honey. They are eating ice cream like I promised them and playing with their new big toys. I will pass you to them." he said and the other line went quiet.


"Taewon listen to me. Whatever he says don't listen to him he is a bad man do you hear me take care of your sister and brother I wil-"

"Chat is over. Hope to not see you so soon." he said and hung up.

You threw the phone across the room and fell on your knees and Taehyung crouched next to you.

"T-Tae he has them. My f-father has them and i-it's all my fault. W-W-What if he hurts them?" you cried and he pulled you into a hug.

"Baby listen to me. Your father won't do anything to them, he needs them. And even if he did he wouldn't be able to because we will get them." he said with anger all over his voice. You looked at him and he had tears forming on his eyes but they were tears of anger.

You wouldn't allow him to get hurt. Him or the boys. This was your fault not his. And you were going to fix it. You got up and ran out leaving the dog in the shop and you ran under the rain. You couldn't allow it. You didn't know what was crazier, the fact you dreamt about it or the fact it is actually happening.

"Y/N!" you heard Taehyung yell before you ran to the street. You heard a car honk and you were snatched back to the sidewalk.

"Let me go! I need to save my babies!" you yelled as Taehyung wrapped his arms around you holding your arms lifting you up from the ground. You kicked and wiggled trying to get off his grip but it was useless.

"Y/N they are my kids too. And I can't allow you to risk yourself by being sick or being on a hospital bed." he said. You couldn't stop your tears but you gave up on trying to run and the grip turned into a hug.

"I am sorry." you whispered and you hit him in the nose with your head and he let you go and you turned around and punched him in the face again knocking him on the floor. He groaned and looked at you as his vision got blurry and his lips and nose were bleeding.

You ran away from him and he passed out.

After an hour

Your father's man had let you in. You were all soaked and you were freezing. But you didn't care. The kids were in danger even though your father wouldn't hurt them, and once you heard his voice something sparked inside of you.

"Mommy is coming. Just hold on." you said as you glared at one of the cameras.

You walked down the aisle and headed towards your father's office. You kept walking when you saw a man with guns guarding a door. He turned around to look on your direction and you hid behind the wall.

You heard footsteps coming closer but your heart wasn't beating fast, it was calm and steady. The footsteps stopped and the man turned to face you and you kicked him against the wall. He hit the wall and went to attack you and started throwing fists but you blocked most of them.

He punched your face and you touched your lip when you felt and tasted blood. You smirked at him and kicked his face, knocking him on the floor. You took his gun and aimed it on him and shot his head.

You panted as you stood looking at the dead body and you grabbed the other guns and put them in the belt of your pants and kept walking.

You had shot some guys here and there and some you knocked them out cold.

You finally arrived at your father's office and entered it. The room was dark and empty, only the computers were on. You headed to the computers and hacked the camera system, when an email arrived. You clicked it open and saw a video.

You opened the video and watched it. You started crying as you saw Taewon tied to a chair beaten up. Next to him was Yohan with Eunji in his arms and he was crying. You screamed and punched the computer and fell on your knees. Your knuckles were bleeding but your heart was aching. All of this was happening because of you.

You got up and wiped your tears away to clear your vision and you ran out of the room. You knew where your kids were, and you were going to get them. Your feet wouldn't stop moving and your brain would keep spinning.

You ran into the room Taewon was supposed to be in and you saw them. Yohan was wailing and crying and ran towards you as you grabbed him in your arms and started crying too. You pressed his head against your chest and kissed him. You let go of him and run to Taewon who wasn't conscious. You untie him and grab him on your arms in a bridal style.

"Baby wake up it's mommy." you shook him as you cried. You smiled and chuckled as he opened his eyes and you kissed him and you wiped his tears.

"Mom I tried t-to run away and escape with Yohan and Eunji but I couldn't." he cried and you pulled him closer to your chest as Yohan carried Eunji and walked towards you and you pulled them into a hug.

Yohan was crying so hard that your heart broke even more. You pulled from the hug when you heard the door creak open and you grabbed the gun and pointed at the man. You lowered the gun when you noticed it was Taehyung.

You both stood there watching you as you stood up and made sure Taewon staid sitting next to Yohan and Eunji. You smiled as he smiled at you but the worst happened.


Taehyung collapsed on the floor as he got hit by the bullet. You screamed as he fell and you didn't think twice and emptied your gun on your father.

He dropped dead on the floor and blood started pouring and staining the whole floor.

Yohan kept crying and so did Taewon making Eunji cry too. You ran to Taehyung and lifted him up and put his head on your lap.

"No baby stay with me." you sniffed as you made sure he was still awake. You ripped off a piece of your shirt and made pressure on the wound making him wince.

"Y-Y/N-" he stopped and coughed.

"Shh shh shh, it's ok, everything is going to be fine." you sniffed as cops entered with their flashlights. You couldn't think straight and you let the ambulance take him away. You walked to your kids fast and had Taewon get on your back and you carried Eunji with one arm and held Yohan's hand.

Before you knew it you were outside and the ambulance took Taehyung and a cop grabbed your arms and you tried to get off hid grips.

"You are under arrest for further investigation." the police officer said.

"N-No what? I can't leave my kids alone. My husband is in the hospital, let me go!" you struggled.

You saw as Jungkook took the kids along with Hobi and went and followed the way the ambulance went so Taewon got checked.

You looked at the cop and got off his grip as you walked and got inside the car and the cop closed the door and he got on the car and drove the opposite way as Your husband and kids went.

A/N: Hey guys so two things.(1) The story is sadly coming to an end and (2) I have posted a new story called A Witch's Heart so you guys can check that out. I hope you guys are safe and healthy and I also hope you are enjoying this FF and you are enjoying my other two FanFics. Until next time my loves~❤❤❤

7 lions and a lambOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora