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The room was quiet. The smell of vanilla and a small hint of levanter filled your nostrils.

"Y/N where are you?~" a female's voice echoed on the other side of the door. You giggles and stayed hidden under the bed.

The room was colored sad and serious. It was gray, white, and black. There was planets drawn in the ceiling. You liked the smell and the feeling it gave you.

The door opens slowly and you cover your mouth. You giggle slowly and look at the lady's feet.


Not any kind of red. Ruby red, like the one from the Wizard of Oz. You loved that movie.

The shoes walk around the room and open the closet. Check behind the drawers and inside. Behind the white curtains

It was fascinating. Everything was serious, but her shoes and her presence made it more alive.

She stopped right at the feet of the bed. You froze. You didn't breathe or anything.

In the blink of an eye she grabbed you by the arms, pulled you out from under the bed and attacked you with tickles.

You laugh so hard you hardly breathe and tears started forming.

Her laugh.

It was graceful. Calm and full of happiness. You could see her smile and hear her laugh and all the bad things that were happening would turn into something happy and positive.

"I found you my sweet pie." She laughed and ate you with kisses.

"Mom~ you were supposed to go away and let me win like we talked. You always win~" you whined. She laughs and kisses your nose.

"But then you would win and then the game wouldn't be fun like now would it?" She sits on the bed and sits you on her lap"

"Hm I guess not. But the game is over so what should we play?" You look at her.

Her eyes.

One of the things with color in this room. They were brown. But a special kind of brown. It was a smooth milky kind of brown. They were deep.

"How about dress up?" She suggested pulling her hair behind her ear.

Her hair.

It was black as night. You didn't know if it was her actual color or part of the whole black and white image just like the whole room.

You nod and stand up and you hear a man yelling. You and your mom look at the door shocked and she grabs you by the arm and hides you in the closet.

"Stay here and don't make a sound. Daddy is playing with us so he has to find us both ok?"

You simply nod and get behind the clothes and she closes the closet.

You peek through the small gap as you see your dad slam the door open.

"Where is she?! Where's Y/N?!" He yelled as he walked towards your mother. Her back hit the wall and he stood in front of her.

"I don't know! Leave her alone, she hasn't done anything!"

"Not yet but she will. She will be a good breeder and she will breed the perfect heir unlike you!"

He pulled out his gun and aimed it at her head.

"Last time I will ask. Where is she?" He said with a steady voice. You gasped lowly and breathed heavily.

"I don't know."

He sighs and puts his other hand in his trousers. "Wrong answer."


You covered your ears. The high pitch leaves you deaf. You couldn't breathe.

You looked up and saw the color that can be beautiful but dangerous.


Splashed all over the grey wall. He left the room. Just like she left the world.

The once uncolored room painted with red. The color you once loved now your biggest fear.

You walked out of the closet and walked slowly to her. You held both of your hands against your chest and fiddled with the collar of your bright red dress.

You hover over her.

A pool of red liquid growing bigger. Her once natural red lips now white.

"Y/N." A faded male voice said.


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