05: Everyone Deserves A 2nd Chance

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You wake up with your throat dry as dirt that hasn't been in contact with water for decades. Your body is almost mummified. You have bandages all over your left arm and your right forearm and hand are wrapped as well.

Your left thigh where your tattoo is, wrapped and your right ankle as well. You have a bandage up your right shoulder around your chest and waist and even though you can't notice it, you feel bandages around your neck and an oxygen mask.

You look around and see Seokjin injecting something in a bag of fluids that is attached to your hand.

You groan at the sudden aching pain in your whole body and your eyes start tearing up. "Shh shh shh, I know it hurts a lot." he said as he approached a needle and he injected you.

"It's a pain reliever, it will help a little bit." he said as he threw away the needle and brought a glass of water.

You force yourself to sit up and Jin tries to help you but you manage to sit up by yourself. You pull down your oxygen mask and grab the glass of water and you drink it all in one sitting.

"Why?" you say after a long awkward silence between you and Jin.

"Taehyung can be stubborn, kid, to be honest with you, he hates your guts since the day he saw you, but he still killed those wolves and saved your guts." he stops for a split second and you decide to talk.

"You guys should have left me there to die and be those wolves' lunch, I would rather be dead than alive!" you said choking in your tears.

"Everyone deserves a second chance kid." Jin said and just stayed there for a minute and stood up without saying a word and left the room. You start tearing up which then becomes a quiet sob.

You wanted answers, there must be a reason that they kidnapped you and then wanted to kill you but didn't.

What did these men have to do with your father? Why did they want you?

You snatched the needles that were in your arms and ripped the oxygen mask off. You got up from your bed and took three uneasy heavy steps and fell on the ground.

You grunt as you twist your ankle and try to get up. You had really short shorts and a tank top. You grab a jacket that was there and put it on, being big on your petite body, almost like a short dress. You stumble a little bit and run towards the door and hit yourself with the door as you hold into it for balance.

You manage to open the door and see a flight of stairs in front of the room. You stumble into the stairs and hold into the wooden railing.

You go down the stairs fast but quietly and stop when you see familiar men. Your heart stops. Your air goes away. The world stops spinning.

"Oh she's awake." a man said and the group of hitmen who kidnapped you turn around to look at you.

You can't move or blink or breathe. They found you and now you either die or become a breeding machine.

Taehyung goes up the stairs and stands beside you and so does Hoseok at the other side. You can't do anything.

"Give that little scumbag back would you?" a man said and Taehyung gripped into your arm making you wince.

"Over my dead body!" Taehyung yelled and the man chuckled.

"Very well then." He took out a gun and shot you.

You jump sitting up breathing heavily. It was a dream. It was just a big awful dream. You look at your body and the injuries are still there. You don't have machines or anything connected to you. You don't even remember falling asleep or passing out.

You look at the right and the window is covered with raindrops. You get out of the bed struggling a little bit but you successfully get up and make it to the door. You open it slightly checking out if there are any monkeys on the coast. You go back to your bed and grab your favorite blanket that you can never let go of. You put it around you and over your head like a cape and you walk out of the room.

You slightly go downstairs and there is no one there so you kept going down and you stop at the third step when you see Jungkook in the couch drawing and Taehyung laying on the other couch with a navy blue blanket all the way up to his chest with scratches and bruises and his breaths are deep and heavy.

The man who gave your life a second chance.

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