16- Vic and Quinn; the drill Sergeants .

Start from the beginning

"Merry Christmas Ted." Victoria smiled, quietly standing up from the chair as Roxanne finally opened her eyes, " 'Christmas Vic." He replied, "Merry christmas." He leaned forward kissing Quinn's cheek as she turned slightly on the small sofa to face him.

"Merry Christmas." She kissed him back this time on the lips. "Ew gross. Not what I wanna see first thing on a morning." Roxanne groaned a bit too loudly making her brother and Louis both start to wake up. The others all stayed quiet though.

"What's going on....oh." Fred mumbled noticing the couple. "Roxie's right you two are gross."
"Cheers Fred, Merry Christmas." Teddy chuckled as he and Quinn sat up.

"Yes anyone?" Victoria asked making Quinn smile, "here I'm come help." She said getting up and heading towards Vic and the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen the two girls got to work making pots of tea and coffee and arranging everybody's personal mugs on the table in people's favourite spot

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Once in the kitchen the two girls got to work making pots of tea and coffee and arranging everybody's personal mugs on the table in people's favourite spot.

In total there was twenty-eight people in the burrow so the table in the kitchen had been extended over three times to make room for Christmas Day.

Once they finished making the pots of tea and coffee the two girls decided that because they had helped make it every year since they were seven and nine, they could prepare and make their grandmothers famous Christmas breakfast.

They had meticulously watched their grandmother and often helped her when she woke early on Christmas morning. The two being the eldest cousins one day hoped to be able to perfectly imitate her actions for the family and today seemed to be the day.

Quinn began, just as their grandmother did every year, with the pancake mix. As Victoria who was always given the task of preparing the scrambled eggs, began that task.

Quinn religiously followed every step her grandmother conducted in making the batter. She finished it soon enough and prepared the pan on the stove.

By this point Roxanne, Molly and Lucy has entered the kitchen and had offered to set the table, knowing none of the adults would be down for a while.

Quinn left the stove for a second moving back to the living room to demand that the boys make themselves useful and sort the presents into neat piles.

They all nodded groggily and went about doing their jobs. The first few pancakes were done and Quinn decided to follow what her grandmother would do next and began on cooking the bacon.

The other girls finished on the table and Quinn asked if Molly and Dominique could begin on the fruit salad while Lucy and Roxanne did the toast. Finally little Lily was given the post of making twenty-eight glasses of juice.

The eggs were finished within ten minutes and Victoria quickly started the pan again to make some fresh salmon and eggs for those who wanted it instead of the basic eggs.

Quinn was helped by Roxanne to put all of the bacon on a platter before that and the two bowls of eggs were placed neatly on the table and a heating charm placed over them and the pancakes to keep then warm.

Dominique retrieved the tray of jams and a plate of her mother's croissants from the fridge and bread bin and placed them out with butter and some spare knives.

Finally the breakfast table was fully set and Quinn sent her cousins upstairs to wake their parents but gave them strict to let their grandparents come down last so they could be surprised.

The boys entered the kitchen all taking their places behind their chairs whilst Quinn and Vic began making the finish touches.

First to arrive at the table was Charlie, George and Angelina who all gaped in amazement as Roxanne led them into the room, followed by Andromeda who kissed Teddy's cheek before grabbing Quinn into a hug as well.

Next came Harry and Ginny following after an ecstatic Lily who pulled them by their hands into the kitchen, both of them gazing around in amazement. Along with Ron and Hermione who struggled to tie her dressing gown around her middle as she stumbled after Rose.

"Wow you guys this is really great, just like grandma's." Harry smiled at the kids.

Soon Dominique dragged Bill and Fluer into the room with Lucy guiding in Percy and Audrey. "You kids have out down yourselves." Bill complimented. "Dad it was all Vic and Q." Louis told their dad who grinned at his eldest daughter and his eldest niece.

"Well thank you you two. What are we waiting for?" Asked Ron as he eagerly eyed the food. "Ronald! Your mum and dad seen here yet." Snapped Hermione making his brothers and sister laugh at him.

"Molly dear, what is this, you know I woke up late I need to start on breakfast." Came the voice of Grandma Weasley as she walked into the kitchen blindfolded by Arthur's hand as he awaited Molly Jr's signal.

Molly nodded at her grandfather, he removed his hand from his wife's eyes and she gasped, noticing the table decked in delicious looking breakfast and her smiling grandchildren stood by their seats.

"Oh you didn't." She gasped in amazement and gratitude. She lived to cook for her family, loving to see their expressions when they all would dig into one of her infamous dishes but to see such care and love being put into one of her meals by her grandchildren to do it exactly as she would have herself, brought a gleeful tear to her eye.

"Oh children, this is wonderful." Their grandmother gushed. They all smiled at her making her grin even wider.

"Well let's tuck in." Called Arthur guiding Molly into her seat as everyone else took theirs around the table. "Thank you all so much." Smiled the matriarch of the family.

"Well i believe it's Victoria and Quinn who did all of this." Bill told his mother pointing at the two eldest cousins. Molly beamed. "Girls this is so wonderful." She repeated.
"It's ok Grandma. You're really welcome, you always cook for us and so we thought we'd give you something wonderful back....your cooking." Quinn explained, "it wasn't just us though the others all helped."

"We cut fruit...you two were the ones waking us all up into action like a pair of drill sergeants." Dominique told her making Vic laugh.

"Not our fault you all insisted on staying up really late. At least me and Quinn woke up first."
"Well you two did wonderfully girls. As did you boys, those piles in the sitting room look wonderful." Arthur told his grandchildren.

"Let's eat." Ron began stuffing his face. 

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