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"Are you sure you will be ok, away from home for this long?" This was the seventh time in the last ten minutes that Charlie had asked Quinn that question.

Morgan who had come with them to wave off Quinn stood beside Charlie laughing as he pestered his daughter.

They had arrived at the entrance to the airport ten minutes earlier then she had planned to meet the others and their parents.

Their flight out to Berlin was due to take off at five pm which meant they were due to meet at one outside the airport.

Quinn checked her hand luggage one more time before she nodded eagerly at her dad. "I'll be fine."

"Don't worry Mr Weasley, we'll all take really good care of Quinn." Came the voice of Jacob Trent as he arrived behind the three of them.

His mother and father stood behind him with his three brothers, all of them watching as Jake interacted with his friend. "Jake-y." Quinn grinned pulling him in for a hug, "thanks for saving me." She whispered in his ear.

He laughed as they pulled away. "Glad to hear it." Charlie said as Jake reaches forward and shuck his hand, "and how many times do I tell you, call me Charlie." Jake and Charlie shuck hands before Debbie came up behind her son.

"You must be Morgan. Quinn wrote to me about you. It nice to meet you." Jake politely smiled at the woman who grinned at him.

"Oh you must be Quinn's dad. I'm Jake's mum Debra Trent." She extended her hand as Jake snorted behind his hand.

Quinn laughed too, hitting his stomach to stop him from laughing. "Charlie Weasley." The man introduced himself.

"Ah yes you're Ginny's brother, I met her last year when we were picking Jake-y up at Christmas. Is she bringing Teddy?"
"Yeah her and Harry just had to drop the kids off at the train station first." Charlie told her making her smile.

"Oh this is my husband Mark, and those are Jake's brothers, Max, Pat and Luke." Debbie pointed to her socially distant husband and sons.

"Marcus! Boys! Come talk to Jake's friend and her dad."
Quinn smiled kindly at the family as Jake shuck her arm excitedly.

"This is Morgan my partner." Charlie introduced Morgan to the woman. "Lovely to meet you." The woman said with a smile.

Another voice interrupted the introductions though when two more of their friends and their parents arrived.

"Hey losers! Who's ready to get their holiday on?!" Stacy and Adam dragged their cases behind them as they ran ahead of their parents and siblings.

Adam's little sister hid behind their mum's leg as she walked while Robbie and Kaleb (Stacy's older brothers) followed their parents both quiet.

Adam spotted Jake next to Quinn and instead of how he would usually greet him, (by running into his arms and snogging his face off after 2 months apart) he respected the fact that Jake hasn't come out to his parents yet, and just settled in giving him a basic bro-hug.

"That is so awkward to watch them do." Stacy whispered to Quinn as they pulled away from their own hug. Quinn nodded, "I know but Jake's just not ready. I get that." Stacy nodded.

"Oh this must be Adam and Stacy." Debbie said excitedly pointing at the two new arrivals. "Hey Mrs Trent, nice to meet you." Adam said sweetly. "Please dear, call me Debbie."

"You must be Stacy and Adam's parents." Debbie addressed the four adults walking behind the pair.

Oliver Wood and his wife Katie both shuck her hands, Oliver's deep Scottish accent making Quinn and the others all laugh at Debbie's reaction which made Jake groan in embarrassment.

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