24- Ew we're adults now.

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It had finally reached the 18th of July 2016. The day Teddy and Quinn along with their friends, would finish school.

They had sat through a melancholy breakfast and McGonagall's closing speech before they hopped on a carriage down the hill.

"BYE HOGGYWARTS!" Jake yelled as they all stepped out of the carriage onto the platform ready to embark home and gave the real world away from school.

"Damn guys. We're never coming back here." Said Stacy, the gravity of their impending adulthood hitting her as she stood with her friends on the platform that they had all landed on those seven years ago.

"Ew, we're adults now." Adam said making them all laugh. They all stared up at the castle they had called home for seven years. A few tears escaped Quinn's eye as she looked to the castle for one last time. "Awww Q." Adam noticed her tears and pulled her into a tight hug. Soon Teddy and Jake joined them, followed by Dan then Stacy and Laurie. The seven friends stood holding each other.

"I'm gonna miss this place so much. I owe this castle everything." Quinn cried, "it's where I met you guys." She said sadly making them all laugh.

"Awww Q." Stacy repeated.
"Shut up. I'm emotional ok." They all laughed.

Then the red steam train appeared round the corner and began to take on it's passengers.

They all shot the castle one final glance good bye. Then they got on the train.

Twelve days later, Quinn sat in her room at the burrow waiting for her family and close family friends to arrive

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Twelve days later, Quinn sat in her room at the burrow waiting for her family and close family friends to arrive. Her grandmother, grandfather and father had all gone out. Charlie had gone to pick up Morgan his new girlfriend from the airport. This would be the first time she would be meeting Quinn and the rest of Charlie's family, so he was extremely nervous.

It was Quinn's, Uncle Harry's thirty-eighth birthday today and she couldn't wait to see everyone, but for now she was home alone and left to her worries about meeting Morgan for the first time.

She wore:

A part of white wash dungaree shorts and a burgundy top, with her black summer hat and her usual jewlery

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A part of white wash dungaree shorts and a burgundy top, with her black summer hat and her usual jewlery.

She sat flipping through a random copy of 'Quittich through the ages' as she idly sat around. Her grandmother had asked her to prepare for the birthday lunch in the garden by setting the table, hanging lights, putting out chair cushions and banishing any lingering gnomes from the premises.

That had taken her all morning but now she was finished and decided to retreat inside to read.

Her reading was interrupted as two owls sat on her window sill tapping their beaks against the glass as they waited for her to open it.

She recognised the bigger brown owl as a hogwarts messenger, the smaller grey bird reminded her of the ones her father would receive from his boss's office in the 'Magic Animal Care And Training Department' or MACATD.

She pushed away her blinds and opened the window, greeting the two owls with a piece of bird seed each. "Thanks." She took the two letters and watched as both bird flew back into the sky.

The first letter from the brown owl was indeed a letter from Hogwarts. But the usual joy that came with that familiar seal was was replaced with a feeling of intense nervousness as she realised, this was her exam results.

She slowly and careful opened the envelope to reveal what she had been awarded for her seven years at school.
The letter read:

"Dear Miss Weasley,
Here are your results for your NEWTS. (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests)

We hope you well in the future. Thank you for attending Hogwarts School Of Witch Craft and Wizardry.

P.s -in closed are your results along with your academic achievements and a list of your titles with in the school.

•Advanced DADA - E
•Advanced Potions- A
•Advanced charms - O
•Advanced Care for Magical Creatures - O
•Advanced herbology - O
•Advanced Astrology- A

Academic Titles/Achievements:
•Gryphindor Quittich team 3rd-7th year.
•Gryphindor Prefect 5th-7th year
•Head Girl 7th year.

Regards- M. McGonagall. (Headmistress)."

Quinn beamed at her results, squealing to herself as she ran around her room in an excited daze.

Then she remembered the second letter and swiftly returned to her bed to pick it up. The envelope held the ministry seal as she sipped it open she noticed it was from the department of Magizology.

It read:

"Miss Quinn Nymphadora Weasley,
I am writing to you in regards to the fact that it has been brought to my attention that you have a keen interest in becoming a magizologist.

Your ex-professor of Care For Magical Creatures at Hogwarts has contacted me about you and a fellow ex-student who they believe are capable of completing the years training course.

The course can be started at any point and completed with in one year. It has been brought to my attention, by your father a close colleagues mine, that you and your peer Mr Theodore Edward Remus Lupin are taking a year out from further studies.

I would gladly have you on our course given your excellent grade this year ( I obtained this from your ex-Headmistress) and your brilliant track record.

So I invite you to write me back to confirm that next year on September the twelfth 2017, you will be ready to begin your years training.

Kind regards,
Atticus Ladermen / Head of the Magizologist Department/ Deputy of the the Magical Animals Care and Training Department. Ministry for Magic."

"Holy shit." Quinn sat down on her bed grinning ear to ear.

Her life, in this moment was perfect.

Perfect family, perfect friends, perfect plans for the next year, perfect job prospects and perfect boyfriend to share it all with.

Quinn looked to her picture display smiling at a photo of her and Teddy together then she looked to her draws were a photo of her mother stood.

Quinn looked to her picture display smiling at a photo of her and Teddy together then she looked to her draws were a photo of her mother stood

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"I love you mum." She whispered quietly making herself smile before she heard the door down stairs open and close. "Quinn dear we're home! The others will be here soon!" Yelled Quinn's grandmother up the stairs.

Quinn jumped up and ran down the stairs to meet her father and grandparents with the news.

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