33- Good Luck.

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It had finally reached December 17th and Teddy and Quinn has packed up their over night bags and loaded them into the side car of Teddy's bike before they took off towards Potter Manor.

It was around 4:30 pm when they reached the Potter home and Teddy and Quinn had swiftly headed inside to be greeted by her grandmother and the majority of her aunts and uncles. All of the older adults were bustling around getting ready for the evening ahead as Teddy and Quinn grabbed a quick cuppa in the kitchen.

They were awaiting the return of Ginny and George who had offered to collect all of homebound children from the train station.

Bill and Fluer, along with Victoria and her new boyfriend Dan, we're in France visiting with Fluer's sister while Dom stayed at school with Lucy to study for their upcoming NEWTS while Molly chose to remain at school with her friends for their sixth year. Percy and Aubrey had agreed to spend the holiday with Molly and Lucy's other grandparents who were muggles.

So only Louis, Fred, Roxanne, James, Albus, Lily and Hugo would be coming home that year. But they would be joined by Scorpious as his mother had fallen critically ill and was in hospital.

His father hadn't wanted him to be there over the holiday and as Albus, Rose, Liam, Grace and Alice were all going home for the holidays and Liam was going away with his family, the Potters had kindly offered to home their son's friend.

Scorpious, Albus and Rose, along with their friends, we're now in their third year and while James, Roxanne, Fred and Louis were in their fifth. Hugo and Lily has just entered their first year along with Sydney and Nancy West. (Laurie's twin younger siblings).

Teddy and Quinn sat in the living room of the manor listening as Ron, Hermione, Angelina, Harry and Molly Sr lay down the rules for the evening.

There was to be no boisterous games inside the house, no magic from anyone underage, no leaving the four trouble makers alone together and under no circumstances was there to be anyone in Uncle Harry's office.

"Is all of that clear?" Hermione asked in a demanding tone as she stared at the young couple. They both vigorously shuck their heads 'yes' and the woman in front of them relaxed.

"Mione leave them be, they'll be fine."
"Yeah just give them all some books and boardgames and don't let the four troublemakers go anywhere alone together." Angelina told them making them all laugh.

"Just don't burn the house down." Harry sighed.
"Don't worry we'll all be fine." Teddy re-assured them all.

Angelina collapsed into an arm chair her fancy cocktail dress slightly wrinkling which was the least of her cares.

Harry downed the last of the glass of brandy he had been drinking while Ron tried to stop Hermione from grilling the two nineteen year olds. Molly just watched from her chair by the fireplace.

All was quiet until the door to the manor was pushed open and in walked the infamous troublemakers. Roxanne and Fred were the first in the door, both moving to greet their mother then moving on to their grandmother.

Louis greeted Molly with a hug before sitting down on the floor. Lily excitedly ran past her mother and Uncle George as she tackled her father in a hug. "Daddy!" Yelled the young redhead.

"Lily flower!" He picked her up slightly. "Hey dad." James smirked as he stood by the sofa. "James, Al." Harry hugged his boys. "This is Scorpius Dad."
"Hello Scorpius. It's nice to have you." Hardy greeted the quiet boy politely.

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