62- Theodore!

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"Can I have everyone's attention." After dinner Teddy and Quinn offered to do the dishes then they walked into the sitting room where everyone had congregated.

"Quinn and I have some news." Teddy told everyone. They all looked up at the couple with smiles.

(Dan, Stacy, Andromeda, Arthur, Molly, Laurie, Harry, Ginny, Charlie, Morgan

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(Dan, Stacy, Andromeda, Arthur, Molly, Laurie, Harry, Ginny, Charlie, Morgan....other people are behind)

The couple shared a look before Quinn spoke: "We're pregnant." She announced.

"OH MY MERLIN!" Stacy was the first person out of her seat and tackling Quinn into a hug, followed by Dan who bro-hugged Teddy, "congrats man."

Laurie and Vic were up next then, Ginny barrelled into Teddy with Harry behind her. "Awwww Teddy you're gonna be a dad." The red-headed woman grinned up at her godson.

"Congrats guys." Harry hugged Quinn and kissed her cheek, then he hugged Teddy. Charlie and Morgan pulled Quinn in for a hug, Charlie kissing her head as he spoke "congrats baby, you're gonna be a great mum."

"Thanks dad."
"I'm so happy for you two." Andromeda hugged the couple, crying into her grandson's shoulder as he rubbed her back. "Thanks grandma."

"You two....Oh Arthur, we're having another grandchild." Molly sobbed as she hugged her granddaughter and grandson-in-law.

"How far along are you?" Molly asked the younger woman. "About a month?"
"Well this is amazing." Ginny grinned.

"Oh! Harry dear, there's a bottle of none alcoholic champagne in the basement freezer....go get it will you?" Ginny pointed to her husband. "Off course dear." Hardy chuckled at his wife's excitement.

"Quinn dear, sit down."
"Yes auntie."

Teddy laughed at his godmother's protective nature as he kissed he wife's forehead.

Teddy laughed at his godmother's protective nature as he kissed he wife's forehead

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Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP next gem)Where stories live. Discover now