41- I call maid of honour!

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"Quinn dear could you grab that plate for me?"
"Sure thing grandma." Quinn grabbed the final dish as she and her grandmother made their ways into the dining room.

The table had been extended and everyone's places had been set. Teddy was stood with their friends as Quinn placed down the last plate.

Quinn sat down beside her fiancé. Teddy looked up smiling at her as they all began to eat. The two shared a look.

By the end of the meal everyone was chatting happily

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By the end of the meal everyone was chatting happily.

The laughter died down as Harry tapped his glass with his spoon and stood up to address the family and family friends.

"Hi everyone. I know I do this every year, but I just wanna day happy new year to everyone. As your parents and aunts and uncles we're so proud of all of you and your achievements these past few years and we'll I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for being here, Family and friends." Harry finished and everyone raised their glasses to toast.

Before everyone went back to talking Teddy looked to Quinn again and she nodded. "Um...can I have everyone's attention for a second. Quinn and I have some news." Teddy stood up holding Quinn's hand as he pulled her out of her seat.

Adam, Jake, Laurie, Dan, Stacy and Vic all shared knowing looks as Harry and Charlie nodded at each other.

"Last night. I asked Quinn to marry me....-."
"YOU PROPOSED!" Ginny gushed with a massive grin. "Yeah, yeah I did....." teddy nodded with a laugh.

"....and I said yes." Quinn announced and everyone erupted into cheers and smiles. Ginny jumped up out of her seat and dragged the two into a tight hug.

"Awww I'm so proud of you Teddy Bear, I'm so happy for you both." The woman began to happily sob into her niece and godson's shoulders.

"Congrats son." Harry shuck Teddy's hand followed by Charlie after he hugged Quinn. Mrs Weasley and Ginny were both a mess of happy tears as Andromeda dragged Teddy into her arms and then pulled Quinn to join them. "Welcome to the family." She whispered to Quinn making the brunette girl grin.

Once all of the hugs were had Harry raised a toast to the couple and people began to move away from the table, mingling in the living room.

Eventually it reached around five in the afternoon and people began to leave the burrow.

Teddy and Quinn stood with their six friends in the sitting room all saying their goodbyes to the others in the room before they all took a handful of floo powder.

Adam and Jake went first, followed by Stacy and Laurie as Vic hugged her mum and dad goodbye, then her and Dan went and finally Quinn and Teddy went.

Finally back at their apartment, Quinn and Teddy collapsed onto their sofa as the others all put their overnight bags down and joined the couple. "Well I for one think a celebratory drink is in order!" Cheered Dan as he threw himself down on the sofa on top of Stacy and Jake.

"Uh! Mate ger off of me!" Snapped Jake. Vic shoved her boyfriend off of her lap while laughing. "I say we go out on the town. Grab some food. Get these two absolutely blotted." Laurie said with a diabolical smirk as she stood behind the couple.

"Sounds fun." Teddy nodded.
"You girls wanna borrow something dresses?"
"Tell yes." Cheered Stacy grabbing Quinn's hand a dragging her out of her seat. "We'll be ready to leave by seven." Said the girl as she dragged her newly engaged bestie towards the master bedroom.

As they were getting dressed, the three girls gushed over their friend and questioned her at length about when she would want to get married.

"Probably in November, maybe November first. You know our anniversary."
"Awwww." The three girls cooed. "I call Maid of Honour!" Yelled Stacy quickly.

"No fair I'm your cousin Quinn." Vic said in a commanding tone. "It's ok guys I haven't even thought about it yet." Quinn assured them all. "Well we're all definitely going dress shopping with you." Laurie assured her.

"Sounds good." Quinn said with a smile, "so which dresses?"

Stacy chose a floral print romper dress and pulled her hair back into a low pony tail

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Stacy chose a floral print romper dress and pulled her hair back into a low pony tail. She borrowed some dangly earrings and paired it all with a pair of gold heels.

While Laurie chose a dark navy, patterned body suit with shorts as bottoms. She pushed her sleek black hair back with a golden hair band and like Stacy, she wore golden heels.

Quinn chose a long black dress with white patterning. It had a bandana-style top and a draw strong waist. Her hair was pin straight hanging to her shoulders. She pared this with a pair of black heels.

Finally Vic wore a sleeveless dress with similar patterns and colourings to Stacy's. She had her hair slightly beehived and pulled back.

"We look amazing." Stacy said proudly as they entered the sitting room . "You know it babe." Laurie said with a wink.

The boys were sat around all drinking beers as they waited for the girls. "Ah you four finally decided to join us." Adam groaned. "Looking good ladies!" Called Dan as Teddy threw away his and his own empty bottles.

"You guys ready to go?" Asked Laurie. "Indeed we are. Milady." Jake have a fake bow. They all laughed.

Dan wore a black set of jeans and a blazer with a salmon shirt underneath

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Dan wore a black set of jeans and a blazer with a salmon shirt underneath. While Adam wore a grey and black shirt with a zig-zag pattern and black jeans. Jake wore a white shirt and denim jeans. Finally, Teddy wore beige trousers and a white shirt, with a dark navy jacket.

Laurie and Jake lead the way out of the apartment with Dan and Vic following close behind, followed by Quinn and Stacy then Adam and Teddy, who stopped to actually lock the door.

"Let's get hammered!" Cheered Stacy.

They all laughed.

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