13- there will be no snogging.

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"I'm gonna miss you." Stacy whined pulling Quinn into the third big hug of the last ten minutes. "Stace we're only out of school for three weeks and even then I'm seeing you at New Years." Quinn reminded the girl again.

"I know I just miss you." This made Quinn laugh as Stacy pouted again before she was dragged away by Laurie to go meet her parents. "Damn meeting the parents already, god help her." Adam commented making them all laugh.

"Speaking of meeting parents, you guys mind if I tag along with ya'll until we get through the wall?" Jake's parents being muggle couldn't come onto the platform so Jake always met them at the muggle coffee shop near the ticket office at KingsCross station.

They all stood on the platform waiting to spot their parents. Dan had already left apparently seeing his parents on the other side of the platform and Victoria had supposedly gone to find Dom and Louis. This to their friends was clearly code for 'we're hiding to get a good snog goodbye'.

Soon Adam's wizard mother had found him with his friends meeting them all with a smile before wisking away to meet his muggle father at their car.

The three remaining friends scoured the crowd for Teddy's god-parents and siblings. However they were beaten to it by a small ginger girl barrelling towards them from an unknown direction and tackling Teddy's waist for a hug. "Teddy bear!" Yelled the girl gripping his middle.

"Hey lily flower."  He chuckled back, reaching down to hug her properly. Jake snorted at the nickname making Quinn elbow him softly. "Well damn. Where's my hello?" Quinn smiled down at the girl who noticed her and jumped away from Teddy and into her arms, "Quinny!" Yelled the excited ten-year-old.

"Lil, this is Jake." Quinn pointed at their awkward friend who waked nervously at the small ginger girl. Lily giggled, pushing her hand out to shake his, "Lily Luna Potter, nice to meet you Jake-y."

This made Teddy snort but he covered it with a cough as Ginny and Harry followed by Albus and James with their own luggage, materialised out of the fog. "Hey guys." Teddy greeted them. "Jake's meeting his mum and dad past the wall." He told them as Ginny greeted Jake.

"Ok dear, you three for everything?" The woman asked them, they all nodded in answer. Lily excitedly grabbed Quinn and Teddy's hands and pulled them after her.

"Come on, come on...Auntie Andie is making shortbread." They both laughed at her eagerness allowing her to pull them after her parents, Jake jogging to catch up as they and James and Albus all dragged their suitcases with them.

Once through the wall, Harry and Ginny agreed to walk back to the car via the coffee shop so Jake could find his parents, just make sure he found them ok.

They reached the shop and Jake peered inside noticing his mother and father along with his three older brothers all sitting at a table waiting for him. One of his brothers spotted him first grabbing his coat and tapping their father's arm.

They all grabbed their various jackets and Jake's Mum- a small greying woman with kind brown eyes- grabbed her purse.

They all briskly exited the shop and Jake's mother was the first to grab him into a hug. "Hi mum."
"Oh Jake-y." She cooed making Teddy laugh behind his hand.

"Jacob." His father greeted him rather coldly with a hand shake. "Oh Mum, Dad. This is my friends Teddy and Quinn." Jake pointed at them both in turn.

"Oh wow, meeting JJ's friends. How exciting, we'll I'm Debbie this is Mark...oh and that's Max, Jake's brother." Debbie turned to face Harry and Ginny who smiled at her, "he's our eldest."

"You must be Quinn and Teddy's mum and dad." Mark reached a hand out for Harry who took it and shuck it. "Well I'm Harry, Ginny and I are Quinn's Aunt and Uncle and Teddy's our godson." Harry corrected Mark.

Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP next gem)Where stories live. Discover now