69- Lemmonade

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//Please go ahead and check out my new fic- Our Teenage Years- for the marauders era.//

August 29th 2026
"So how are the twins doing at their muggle school?" Ginny asked as she and Quinn sat at the island of the Lupin's kitchen.

"Good. I think they really missed it during the summer holidays bless them." The young mother replied.

The two women were currently baby sitting the twins on Ginny's day off and Victoria had brought round her's and Dan's little girl Gabrielle who was currently only one.

She had just popped upstairs to put the baby down for a nap when Ginny had offered to make lemonade for the twins who were running around outside. It was their last week of their summer holiday and they were making the most of the sunny weather. Playing around with their mother's old slow quittich quaffle, playing pass in the garden.

Quinn watched them through the open back door with a fond smile on her lips. "How's Teddy doing? With everything?" The red headed woman asked her niece who shrugged.

"He's ok....he keeps trying to hide how upset he is because of the baby and everything....but it just makes me feel like he doesn't want me involved. I'm just gonna keep being supportive and hopefully he'll open up for me." She told the woman who nodded. "That's what's best."

Quinn placed a soothing hand on her bloated stomach and sighed. "Gosh, with the twins I was never this uncomfortable." The complained as Victoria came back down the stairs with her baby monitor in her hand. "Well not all pregnancies are the same Q....I mean, I was in agony the last few months of mine." Vic told her.

The other women nodded as the sound of the front door bell ringing called through the house.

"Laur, Stace, Ad and J, are coming over that'll be them." Quinn moved to get up for the door but was stopped by Ginny. "I'll go dear."

"Okay." Quinn sat back down and her and Vic waited for their aunt and friends.

As she began to sip her lemonade a strangely familiar pain shot through Quinn's stomach and she let out a pained gasp.

"Quinn? You ok?" Vic was slightly concerned. "Yeah just the baby kick-ah!" And then again she felt it.

"Quinn, you sure?"
"Just a cramp." She tried to say but there was no use in lying to herself. She knew this pain.

She placed her hand on her stomach with a worried her excited face. "I think the baby's coming."


This time around, Quinn's labour was much slower. After a day and a half in hospital she was given the all clear to begin delivery.

Exhausted and completely drained, Quinn powered through and eventually the sounds of her new baby's cries filled the delivery room.

Teddy was once again stood with a giant smile as he watched his wife deliver their new baby. "Congratulations Mr and Mrs Lupin, it's a girl."

"Oh my merlin, let me hold her." Quinn gasped as Teddy looked over her half closed eyes and sweaty face yet still thought she was beautiful.

"They're just cleaning her up."
"Ok." She whispered back. Teddy kissed her forehead with an affectionate smile as she held his hand.

"I love you so much." He whispered. "I love you too." She whispered back.

"Here she is." The mediwitch handed Quinn the new baby, swaddled in a little purple blanket.

"She's perfect." She said with a massive grin. Teddy nodded holding her hand to held support the baby in her arms.

Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP next gem)Where stories live. Discover now