61- We are not calling our child that!

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Quinn had woken up in the Medical Wing with Trisha and the first-Aid woman stood over her.

She was given a bottle of water and an ice-pack for her head which held a small cut and a bruise.

"How are you feeling dear?" The kindly older mediwitch asked the younger woman. "Ok, just kinda tired." Quinn told her. "Have you been sleeping well this week?"
"Yeah, I've been ok." Quinn told her.

"What about eating?"
"I had lunch an hour ago."
"Well I'd suggest you get yourself to Mundungo's if you get any other symptoms, it could just be stress or dehydration but it's always better to be safe then sorry." The woman smiled at Quinn then she sent her home for the day.

Trisha flooed with her back to her apartment and insisted on staying with her until Stacy and Vic who had the night off arrived for their planned girls night.


The next morning, Stacy and Vic dragged Quinn to the hospital where Laurie now worked and forced her to see a Healer.

"Hi Mrs Lupin, I'm Healer Morvac. What brings you in today?" A tall man entered the room and shuck Quinn's hand as he read her name from his magically floating clipboard.
"I passed out at work yesterday and my friends are being overly worried." Quinn quipped sending a glare at the door where she knew her three friends were waiting behind.

"Ok.....well could you explain to me how you fainted?" He asked calmly. "I was working with a college over some hatching Occamy eggs and when I stood up to get my note book, I felt dizzy, then I fainted."

"Could you tell me your age?"
"Twenty three."
"Your birthday?"
"January thirteenth, nineteen ninety seven."
"And have you been having any other symptoms?"
"Like what?" Quinn asked with a bored tone, feeling this trip to the hospital was wholly unnecessary. "Fatigue, sickness, head aches?"

"I've been sick every other morning, but it's nothing like that, just not enjoying my breakfasts anymore."
"Morning sickness?" The man gave her a knowing look and she shrugged. "Yeah and?"

"Well Mrs Lupin....I'm gonna do a few tests....is there any chance you could take a seat for me?" He guided her onto the gurney where she sat as he began to run his wand over of her.

Soon the healer finished up and shuck Quinn's hand again:
"Well Mrs Lupin....I'm just gonna go get my college to patch up your head properly while I compile my findings." Then he left the room swiftly.


That night, Teddy entered the quiet apartment to find most of the lights out other then the one in their shared bedroom.

He removed his jacket and slowly wandered towards their room. "Hey babe, I'm home." He called out gently.

He pushed the, already ajar, door open to reveal, Quinn sat quietly fiddling with her hands as she sat on the edge of their bed, a nervous look on her face.

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