45- That was not bloody 10 minutes.

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Quinn woke up one morning to feel the space beside her, empty. She sat up in a sleepy haze, realising her fiancé was not in their room. She rolled over and checked the clock:

 She rolled over and checked the clock:

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Quinn could here the faint sounds of the Muggle television in their living room. She decided to get up and find him.

Her bare feet padded down the carpeted hallway, rounding the corner archway, into the living room. There on the sofa, pouring over wedding plans, sat the blue haired man.

The Muggle tv was on in the background as some 'breakfast show' played. Quinn made her way over to the sofa and sat down beside him as he looked up from the plans.

"There you are." She mumbled through a yawn. He chuckled softly leaning his head back on the sofa, smiling at her as she pulled her knees up on the sofa.

In his hands he held a 'Cooper's' coffee cup from their favourite coffee shop down the street. She gasped, "you went to Coopers with out me!" She smacked his chest as he laughed.

"Yeah. But I brought you back a caffeine infused coco.......and a blueberry muffin." He said with a smile as he pointed down at the coffee table in front of them. "I guess you're forgiven." She giggled leaning forward to kiss him.

"Good morning

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"Good morning." She whispered before she leaned forward to grab her drink and muffin off of the table.

"That nice?" Teddy chuckled as he watched her eat her muffin. "Yes thank you. You know me so well." She leaned up, kissing his lips again.

The two of them finished their drinks then Quinn went in to the kitchen to throw out their rubbish.

When she returned she found Teddy sitting smiling at her. She walked towards him and took a seat on his lap.

The two took a moment to stare into one another's eyes before they both leaned in for a heated kiss.

The two took a moment to stare into one another's eyes before they both leaned in for a heated kiss

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Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP next gem)Where stories live. Discover now