3- First day jitters

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"Well if it isn't our glorious heads." Quipped Jake as he noticed Teddy and Quinn walking towards them. The group had decided to sit at the Gryphindor table that day (much to Adam and Dan's annoyance). "Please, please, hold your applause." Quinn chuckled as she took her seat beside Stacy.

"So how's the dorm?" Asked Jake as he reached over his arm from around Adam to take a piece of toast. "It's cool." Teddy said a huge grin on his face as the others all listened intently.

"Yeah, they decorated it in both of our house colours." Quinn smiled. "And there's a huge book shelf and our beds are huge."

Stacy groaned, "uh I hate you both."
"Now now Stace, what did we say about playing nice on the first day?" Dan chuckled at the brunette.

"Yeah, speaking of it being the first day, how was visiting your parents?" Asked Adam as he peered over Jake's arm at the pair. "It was nice, Quinn's mum thought I was walking Q to her dorm. I swear they think we're dating." Teddy said.

"Yeah so would anyone who didn't know you both."
"Stace shut up." Snapped Quinn making them all look at her. "What? You guys always say it, but we're not dating, Teddy and I have been friends since birth ok, if something were to happen it already would have so just stop." The girl huffed before leaning back and snagging a slice of toast to viciously bite down on.

"Note taken." Jake said in a cautious tone. Daniel and Adam just changed the subject, preferring instead to talk about upcoming quittich try outs for Hufflepuff. Teddy just shuck his head, "one day some one's gonna get seriously hurt the way you guys play." Teddy was the only one in their group who didn't play quittich preferring to watch them all in their games.

While Stacy has been appointed quittich captain for Gryphindor since their fifth year, she had always made room for Jake as one of her beaters and Quinn as a chaser. She herself played chaser unlike her two older brothers who were both keepers like their dad.

Stacy and Daniel had a rather unhealthy obsession with competing against each other and for the past two years had been neck and neck every year to try and beat each other's houses.

Daniel played beater for Hufflepuff with Adam as his seeker and Quinn's cousin Lucy as his chaser.

Quinn noticed three girls entering the hall and making their way towards the Gryphindor table. "Hey girls." Called Stacy noticing who Quinn had spotted. "Hey!" Alice Longbottom greeted the older students.

Adam, Daniel and Teddy smiled at the three girls they hadn't met yet. "Guys this is Rosie my cousin and Alice Longbottom and Grace Coalman her friends." She introduced the three girls, pointing first at the other redhead, then the brunette, then the blonde.

"girls this is Teddy, Adam and Daniel. They're Hufflepuff."
"Morning ladies." Daniel smiled. Stacy started laughing as she saw the blush on poor girl's faces knowing Dan had that effect. "Dan they're first years." She snorted again when Adam spoke.

"You guys excited about your first day." Jake asked them.
"Yeah I am." Alice grinned,
"Everything feels so different then what I'm used to." Grace remarked, then Rose gave the weirdest answer, "I wanted to start on a school day, you know start lessons straight away." She said glumly.

"Really?! Quinn she sounds like you! What did you do to the poor girl!" Adam faked a look of horror. Quinn just rolled her eyes, "I wasn't that excited to do classes."

"This was you on our first day, and I quote: 'I just hope our first homework pieces aren't too long, I really want to have time to really read up on the subjects' what is wrong with you." Stacy recited in a high pitched voice.

"I didn't say that."
"You did."
"...ok...I might of said that." The others laughed at her admitting it, "but that is not how I sounded."

"Ok Q." Said Adam sarcastically, "don't worry Q, we still love you, especially Teddy." Daniel leaned forward aiming to kick Adam for his comment fearing it would anger Quinn again, but instead he kicked Jake.

"Ouch you twat! What was that for?!" Exclaimed Jake.
"Bloody hell Dan for a beater you have crap aim!" Adam cursed at their friend as he coddled his boyfriend.

Teddy tried to control his laughter as the three first years looked on in fear and surprise. "You three being so loud is spooking the kids." Snapped Stacy.

"Speaking of scaring people, Quinn and I have to hand out time tables. You coming."
"Yeah hold on." Quinn doves the last piece of her toast into her mouth before they jumped up and headed towards the front of the hall to grab the stacks of time tables on the table.

"Ok, I'll take Slytherin and gryphindor you take Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw." Quinn grabbed her first stack of the green time tables. Preparing to hand them out to the students she could find and the prefects for any students she couldn't find. Teddy nodded and grabbed the blue pile and began heading to the far left of the hall.

Quinn approached the Slytherin table noticing Albus sitting with two other boys, "hey Al." He looked up seeing her and grinned "hey Quinn." She smiled taking a quick seat beside him and smiling at the other boys, "hi i'm Al's cousin Quinn, how're you guys liking Hogwarts?" Quinn introduced herself.

"It's fab." Said one of the boys, he was slightly taller then Albus, with tanned skin and sleek black hair, "Liam Zabini." He put a hand out. Quinn shuck it then rooted through the timetables finding his and Albus' then she turned to the other boy. "Scorpius right?" She smiled at him, he meekly smiled back, his pale face lighting up at the fact that she was being kind to him. "Y...yeah." He too shuck her hand then she found his timetable and gave him a grin, "don't worry, first day jitters are all too common. At least you don't have class. Why don't you three go say hi to Rosie." She looked at Albus who nodded then she turned around, the ginger curls just missing Liam's face, and made her way back up the table to find the two Slytherin prefects.

Albus looked to his two new friends, "who's Rose?" Liam asked with a slight head tilt. "My cousin, she got into Gryphindor." Albus told them. Scorpius gave a gentle smile and Liam shrugged, "wanna go say hi?" He asked them.

The blonde and the brunette boys waited before nodding and just like that, all three rose from the Slytherin table and headed towards the Gryphindors.

Meanwhile Alice and Grace has been learning all about Rose's complicated and extensive family history as she points out all of her visible cousins. But when the three turned to see Rose's final cousin, Albus, he and his friends had disappeared from their table.

However a cough behind them alerted the girls to three boys their own age stood before them, all clad is Slytherin robes and bashful expressions. "Hey Ro, this is Liam and Scorpius." Albus was the first to speak as he pointed at his two friends.

"Ah! You're here, Al you know Alice and this is Grace." Al and Alice shared a smile and a nod and Grace leaned forward extending a hand to the boys "Grace Coalman." She introduced herself. "Albus Potter." He smiled at her.

"Care if we join you?" Asked Liam pointing at three spare seats. The girls shared a look then all nodded eagerly. "Alice Longbottom." Alice introduced herself to the other two boys who took their seats beside Rose as Albus moved around the table to sit beside herself, forcing her between him and Grace.

"Nice to meet you." Scorpious grinned.

Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP next gem)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara