14- I'm sure she can handle some dishes.

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"Grandma." Teddy dropped his bag and let go of Quinn's hand as he entered the kitchen of Potter Manor, the rest of the group following behind him.

"oh Teddy Bear." Andromeda Tonks stood away from the counter and engulfed her Grandson in a hug. He threw his arms around her and smiled into her shoulder.

She pulled away, holding his shoulders "I'm glad you're all back." She leaned forward kissing his cheek, "did you say hello to your parents for me?" Andromena asked her grandson who nodded; "Yeah I did."

"Well who wants a tea?" The older woman moved over to the bench holding the kettle that Ginny has charmed to 'ring' when it was done boiling.

"Me please Andie, Quinn you're in the spare room on the third floor." Harry spoke to his niece. She nodded grabbing her case again and heading out of the kitchen to follow James, Lily, Albus and Teddy upstairs.

Andromeda had never been close with her family, running away from the black household at 16 and being disowned when she married Ted Tonks. But after loosing her daughter and son-in-law, along with Eva who she had basically been a mother to.

Since being widowed in early 2007, Andromeda had dedicated her life to raising Teddy, she and Harry shared custody of him up until 2013 when a health scare forced her to move in with the Potter family.

Teddy knew she wasn't well but he preferred to just cherish the time he had with her. She had reconnected with her sister Narcissa after the war and had began building bridges with Draco who she wanted to be an aunt to, and wanted Teddy to know all of his family despite their history.

After dropping their bags upstairs and getting changed into comfier clothes, Teddy had moved to sit down stairs in the living room but first he was looking for Quinn, "hey James, you seen Quinn?"

"Yeah she's in the kitchen with Mum and Auntie Andie." James replied as he sat in front of the coffee table writing furiously on a piece of parchment. "Who you writing to?" Teddy asked, peering over his shoulder.

"Nobody!" James jumped up, snatching the paper up and running out of the room. Teddy let out a laugh, shaking his head as he walked back towards the kitchen. There he found Quinn standing over a bowl of salad.

Quinn felt some one come up behind her and wrap their arms around her from behind

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Quinn felt some one come up behind her and wrap their arms around her from behind. "Hey." He whispered in her ear, "hi." She replied.

Her hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail while she wore grey sweatpants and a black cami top, leaving her neck and shoulders bare as he kissed her skin softly.

"You're gonna make me mess up the salad." She whined.
"How do you mess up salad?" Teddy laughed, turning her around. She just pouted and shrugged.

Then he pulled her in for a long, sweet kiss. With one hand on her waist and the other in his pocket while hers moved to his shoulders to steady himself.

 With one hand on her waist and the other in his pocket while hers moved to his shoulders to steady himself

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"Oh honestly you two, get a room." Came the voice of Albus as he unsuspectingly walked in on them kissing.

"Well we were in one until you rudely interrupted." Quinn sassed making the young Potter role his eyes. "I think they're cute, leave them alone Al." Lily followed her brother into the room and took a seat at the island.

"See Al, we're cute." Quinn winked at the younger boy making him role his eyes once again as Teddy laughed. "Who'a cute?" Came the voice of Andromeda as she too entered the kitchen to find the two youngest Potters at the island snacking on gingerbread biscuits and her grandson and Quinn stood leaning against the counter across from them.

"Al was being mean to Quinn and Teddy, I think they're cute together." Lily told the older woman making a grin spread out on her face, "together?" She latched onto the word that Lily had used, turning to smile at the couple who both flushed in embarrassment.

"Well, Grandma, Quinn and I are-."
"Boyfriend and girlfriend." Albus ended for Teddy who sent him a quick glare. "Well it took you two long enough." Andromeda said making the both gape at her.

"What? You two have always been so close, I'm surprised it took you this long." Teddy's grandmother patted Teddy's cheek. Then almost as if she had forgotten completely the previous conversation, she changed the subject, turning to Quinn.

"The salad finished dear?" She asked looking over Quinn's shoulder to see the abandoned, half cut vegetables.

"On no sorry, I got distracted." Quinn laughed at herself, turning to finish chopping the tomatoes then she added the croutons and a drizzle of oil and moved the salad aside for one of the others to place on the table.

"The rice is almost done Andromeda." Ginny spoke as she entered the kitchen wiping her hands on her apron. "Thanks Gin." The older woman moved over to the stove taking the gently, bubbling pan off of the heat and turning the stove off. "Teddy dear would you do the drinks?" Ginny asked her godson, who had been idly standing beside Quinn as she cut pieces of bread from the fresh loaf that Ginny's mother had baked for them.

"And you two can go help james set the table." Ginny commanded her two youngest children who nodded. Moving to leave the kitchen through the archway that lead to the dining room.

"Should I take the foil off the chicken now Auntie Ginny?" Quinn pointed to the silver-covered chicken that Harry had seasoned and cooked earlier that evening.

"That would wonderful dear. Andromeda let me help you with that." Ginny moved to help the older woman who seemed to be struggling to plate the rice.

"Any jobs need doing?" Harry called, entering the room behind Teddy and Quinn. "Yeah uncle Harry could you help me cut the salad?" Quinn turned to greet him, as she passed Teddy the platter of bread and butter and the bowl of salad to take to the table. "Sure thing." Harry  came to her side, guiding in her in how to cut up the meat.

Quinn had grown up with a large family, constantly attending huge family dinners and get togethers, learning to cook via her aunts and grandmother, but she never really had siblings or a full set of parents so when she was with her dad, meals were never big.

Teddy however always ate with the Potters and he too attended the family parties so he understood the importance of a big family meal for Quinn and knew how much she loved cooking and giving to her family.

Charlie was in no way absent for Quinn but, him having the job he had meant he only really saw her at Christmas and summer, to her this was ok because it meant she could spend time with her cousins and friends so she didn't mind.

After dinner the family sat at the table, stuffed and ready to sit and relax before bed, but Quinn being Quinn offered kindly to do the dishes knowing her aunts or uncle could just enchant their pots to clean themselves.

"I'll help." Teddy offered standing up beside her eagerly. However Ginny cut him off, "Teddy dear, I think she can handle some dishes....unless you two aren't actually planning on doing 'dishes'."

"And so the bullying begins."

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