53- Adam is banned from making any future speaches.

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"Good evening ladies and gents. Now I know Charlie should be going first but....we decided to change it up a little." Adam began the round of speeches that night. "My name is Adam Sparrow, I'm our dearest Teddy-bear's best man." He paused as people laughed. "And I just wanted to kick off by saying how much of an honour it is, mate. Being here for you today." He nodded to his best mate who smiled up at him and gestured thanks with a tilt of his head.

"So for those of you who don't know....I met Teddy and Quinn at school.....Teddy and I were in the same house and we met for the first time during the opening feast and since then we've been best mates.

Ted, you helped me so so much in school....I mean seriously we're talking about a guy who reads for fun.....if he hadn't of married Q, I'm sure he could of married a library."
"Watch it mate." Teddy growled jokingly making people laugh.

"Seriously though.....Ted you were the first person I ever came out to and you never hesitated to accept me.....you helped Jake tell me he liked me when he felt he had no one else to turn to and you've never once made me feel unloved.

I've watched yours and Quinn's love grow and grow and honestly man. I'm so happy to be stood her right now.

Quinn. You make a gorgeous bride. On days back at school when we were all down and worrying about school work, you'd be the one there with a list of crappy jokes and notes prepared for us to copy from.

You're just that kinda friend.

Quinn I love you like a sister.....a terribly annoying and nosy older sister...." he revived a glare. "But all seriousness....I love you Q. and Ted you're my bro to the end. I'm so happy for you guys.

Now when I was first asked to be best man I thought this shit- sorry- would be so easy. I was wrong. I thought that because we were such good friends and we were all so close, it would be easy to sum up you two in one speech. But you guys.....your love is worth so much more then one speech.

Now Ted, I have known you mate for nearly ten years and in that time I've seen every shade of you.....I've seen your highest and lowest points. I have watched you pass exams with flying colours while I've also watched you drink so much you've passed out in the kitchens. I know you like the back of my hand. And I'm sorry to say this Quinn, but there are some secrets that us lads will never reveal.

Ted you are my brother and Quinn....you're my gorgeous best friend.

So to Teddy and Quinn."

(Roxanne, Jake, Andromeda, Fred, Charlie, Laurie, Quinn and Teddy)

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(Roxanne, Jake, Andromeda, Fred, Charlie, Laurie, Quinn and Teddy)

"Teddy and Quinn." Everyone echoed.

"Ok....so it's my turn." Stacy nervously stood up and pulled out a piece of paper. "Hi I'm Stacy...Quinn's Maid of Honour and- now that Adam has successfully had himself banned from giving any future speeches. It's my turn." Everyone laughed and Adam scowled.

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