40- New Year.

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"Holy Crap I can't believe it's 2018 already!" Quinn announced loudly as she and Teddy sat in the garden of the burrow at around two in the morning on January 1st 2018.

"It's insane!" She announced to no one in particular. Teddy just chuckled kissing her head as he sat beside her on the back door step.

The new years party their family had had was still raging inside. Quinn and Teddy's friends had come back to the burrow for new years and Vic, Dan and Vic's parents had just returned from France so there was much celebration had that night.

Quinn laughed as she saw Jake carrying a very drunk Adam up the stairs through the window.

Teddy looked down at her and in that moment he knew what he needed to do.

He slowly pulled Quinn up off of the step and pulled her to follow him further into the expansive, garden. "Let's go for a walk."
"Ok." She giggled back.

The two of them wandered the garden until Teddy found the perfect spot under some hanging lights beneath the canopy of slopping, leafless oak trees.

"Quinn. I need to ask you something." He stopped her, looking into her eyes as she looked worriedly into his. "Don't worry. It's not bad." He assured her. She visibly relaxed.

"What is it?"
"Well, i've been planning to do this for a while now but not this soon. But watching you there. Laughing and smiling. So happy. I realised....I want to see that happiness, that smile, I want to hear that laugh and see those eyes everyday for the rest of our lives."

"Teddy what are you?-."
"When we were little we used to imagine what it would be like when we were adults. We'd talk about whether or not we'd still be friends. And look at us now. I never want this to stop....."

"What do you mean stop?-."
"I love you so much. Your eyes, your smile, your laugh. Your kindness and your patience but also your wit and your humour. I love ever little detail about you. And so in moments like your happiness over there and your laughter. And Even in moments of sadness. I want to be there. Always..."

"Teddy what the bloody hell is this all about?.....oh my Merlin are you?-...."

Then Teddy was down on one knee.

Holding a, beautiful, small, silver ring in a velvet box.

Holding a, beautiful, small, silver ring in a velvet box

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Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP next gem)Where stories live. Discover now