1 - Problem Child

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"Quinn!" At the familiar voice the red headed girl snapped her head around to find it's owner, spotting her blue haired best friend, towering over the rest of the crowd. Teddy was easy to find in a crowd, his bright hair and lanky stature made him unmissable as he stood beside her uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny grinning with a lopsided smile and his adorable (in her opinion) puppy god eyes set on her.

The girl immediately let go of her dad's arm and barrelled towards him, allowing her body to collide with his as they met in the middle of the platform hugging each other viciously.

The boy's godmother Ginny Potter let out an airy giggle watching them fondly as her husband Harry stood chuckling while he shuck his head.

The family watched as the girl's younger cousins James, Fred and Louis pretended to gag behind the pair as she buried her head in the neck of her best friend and he smiled into her hair.

They eventually pulled away from their hug, grinning at one another as her father reached the group, being greeted by his brothers, sister, in-laws and nieces and nephews. "I put your trunk away for you." Called her father, only receiving silence as his thank you.

"You two only saw each other a month ago." Uncle George said rolling his eyes receiving an elbow to the ribs by his wife as his twin children and their cousins laughed.

"Leave them be." Snapped Ginny at her brothers as the pair both turned an embarrassed shade red from the attention and Teddy's hair tinged a slight pink.

"Yeah leave them alone." Agreed Hermione Granger-Weasley eyeing her husband's bashful smile as he placed a hand on their daughter's shoulder.

"You ready Rosie, Al?" Asked Quinn eyeing her two younger cousins who both seemed excited yet nervously quiet. "Yeah I am, i can't wait to explore the castle, and do magic, and learn, and read and..."
"Rose, sweetie you're doing it again." Ron hushed her but she just smiled.

"You sound like your mum." Chuckled George making his niece grin and Ron groan, "at least we know we won't have to worry about her grades." He chuckled, Hermione scowled beside him "speak for yourself, at least, like me she will actually study for her exams." Rose nodded along with her mum before the group divided into the parents and children all chatting happily awaiting the time when the children would depart.

Teddy and Quinn moved towards Vic and Dom greeting them happily as Molly and Lucy floated off to meet their friends bidding their mum and dad farewell.

Bill and Fluer we're away at the time, visiting Fluer's family in Paris leaving their children in the care of George and Angelina. Meaning they had no one to really say goodbye to, so they too soon left the family to find their friends.

Harry and Albus had moved away from the others, Harry kneeling down to face his son and speaking in a hushed tone to him. His annual pep-talk for his children when they left for the first time.

Teddy told Quinn that Al had been worried about which house he'd be in and that James hadn't been making it any easier for him at home.

Teddy had received one and now that it was his final year he felt extremely nostalgic knowing that he wouldn't be there to see Albus and Lily grow at Hogwarts.

Noticing Teddy's change in expression, Quinn grabbed his hand, "final year." She smiled at him, he grinned back.
"It feels so weird. Can't believe we made head boy and girl." This made her laugh as Louis, James, Fred and Roxanne who stood with the Scammander twins and Frank Longbottom all threw them dirty looks at the mention of the prestigious positions.

"You two better not give us any detentions again." Fred hollered at them. Angelina turned around hearing this "never mind him, feel free to punish him all you like." She told her niece. Quinn grinned back at her "will do."

Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP next gem)Where stories live. Discover now