21- Sleeping Dragon.

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"How in the ever loving hell is it April already?!" Yelled Stacy as she, Jake and Quinn walked to lunch from DADA. "I honestly don't know." Quinn answered making them both laugh. "So Q what've you got for Teddy's big day?"

"It's tomorrow, can you not just wait till then?" Asked Stacy with an eye role. "Come on Stace, you're no fun."
"I'm not telling you guys." Quinn told him making him pout. "but Quinny." He whined.

"No Jacob."
"Don't call me Jacob."
"Don't call me Quinny."

They all laughed as they arrived at the great hall and couldn't spot the others. "Gryphindor?" Stacy asked.
"Gryphindor." The other two nodded making them all laugh again.

The group of three moved to sit down at the red table. "So you planning anything special for your boo tomorrow? There aren't any classes to get up for." Stacy winked at Quinn.

"Shut up Stace." Quinn snapped at Stacy. Jake made a low "oooooo." Sound, "don't poke the sleeping dragon Stace."
"Shut up JJ." Snapped Quinn. "Yeah Jake, Don't poke the bloody dragon."

A few minutes later Stacy jumped as a ravenette girl appeared behind her kissing her cheek and sitting beside her. "Hey babe. How was Potions?" Stacy asked her.
"Slughorn in a fowl mood, I'd be quiet if I was you three next hour." Laurie informed the three gryphindors.

"Great." Muttered Jake, "You seen the guys?"
"Nah..I saw Vic though she said she was gonna get Dan after his Charms class." She said.

Quinn shrugged playing with the apple piece at the bottom of her fruit bowl. "They'll be here soon." She said nonchalantly.

And almost as if she could tell the future, seconds later Adam, Teddy, Dan and Vic entered the hall. "Speak of the devils and they shall appear." Stacy mumbled as Jake waves their friends over.

"Hey guys." Called Adam, bring the first to notice them. "Hey." Adam seemed to ignore the rest of them at the table, preferring to greet Jake with their usually high level of uncomfortable PDA.

As the two snogged, Teddy placed a sweet kiss on Quinn's head and took his seat beside her. "Hey look it's the birthday boy to be." Announced Stacy.

"It's only a birthday Stace. Not that big of a deal." Teddy reminded her. "But it is Teddy, you're no longer gonna be a baby of the group."

"Stace you, Jake and Quinn are the only ones older then Teddy." Dan said confused by the girl's previous statement. "Yes, but now I'll have another LEGAL drinking buddy who isn't Quinn." Said the brunette exasperatedly as she explained herself.

Quinn's eighteenth was back in January while Stacy's was in March as was Jake's. That meant that the two of them and Teddy would be the only of drinking age (in muggle terms at least) as of tomorrow.

"I can't believe we start our Newts next month." Groaned Jake, finally coming up for air. "You guys are lucky you only have three months left, I have another year." Vic whined holding Dan's arm as he munched on his jacket-potato.

"You'll be ok Vic, you'll still have Mol, Dom and Luc." Quinn reminded her. "But I'll miss you guys." Vic said sadly.

"Look on t bright side, at least you be able to get some actual studying done unlike your idiot of a boyfriend." Laurie quipped pointing at Dan. "I'll have you know I'm targeted all Os and Es for my subjects." Dan said proudly.

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