Project 2 Trainee In Need

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~~Hey fabulous person! Im back to slay another Titan, hope you all enjoyed the last chapter! For now several days had past since the incident so just keep that in mind (I will say it in the begining anyways)!! I hope you all enjoy this one just like the last. Happy Reading! P.S. This chapter will be about Eren mostly so you take a break of the feels ;)~~ ~~kawaiipotat0_0taku~~

~~Levi's POV~~

Several days had past since Sakura's tragic injury and yet, I still feel like it just happened yesterday. The scene of when I saw her being grabbed haunts me in my sleep which for the last few nights I havent been getting any.

As daylight shined in from my small window, I open my eyes and begin to sit up. I yawn and my mouth opens really big, I was so tired but I had duties to attend to. I got out of bed and changed into uniform then just as I was leaving I grabbed my dark green cloak that was hanging behind my door. I was headed straight for the courtyard, I didnt have any appetite for breakfast.

"Brats assemble! Today were learning how to use 3D Manouver Gear so were going to hook you up on the balancing poles." I said to the crowd of cadets who just finished getting in a line. My tone sounded calm, but their faces said something else.

I tried to ignore them as they got set up for the balancing poles they each had a partner with them I saw Sasha with Jean and Armin with Eren. I watched them closely since they were they only ones who actually cared for Sakura besides just me, I wasn't sure about Jean so I just watched Sasha and the rest of them.

~~Eren's POV (First times!)~~

I see Levi looking at me and Armin, I get a scared feeling and try to forget about it. "Hey Armin, you think you're ready for this?" I asked Armin in a calm voice since he usually get scared of tests. He looked at me and gave a confident nod, I could see the sweat on his face, he is probably nervous but I know he's got this. Armin straps himself in and gives me a signal to lift him up, I go on the side and turn a large wooden handle, slowly Armin lifts off the ground.

At first he began to struggle but now hes hanging in mid-air perfectly still. I waited for 3 minutes then let him down, it was now my turn. I strap myself in, a rush of fear goes through me. I check and see if Levi was watching, I see him staring straight at me with eyes like daggers. I continue to ignore him and give Armin the signal, he does the same thing I did and slowly I begin to lift up.

I struggled once my body was fully off the ground, I felt the back of my tipping over and the front trying to go forward. Eventually my whole body tilts back and I fall, hitting my head on the hard dirt ground. I hear all noises dissapearing and Armins voice fading out, whats going I blacking out? 


~~Eren's POV Still~~

I awaken from what seemed like a week of sleep, I find myself in a bed inside the infirmary. What am I doing here? What happened? I try to stand up but my body feels weak and my heas begins to spin, the dizzy feeling made me rest of my side. I turn to the side and suddenly I stop, my eyes widen as I see Sakura lying next to my bed.

I was shocked to see her, I havent seen her move or talk for awhile. She didnt come and sit with us during dinner since she was mostly with Levi. My hand was close enough to reach out to her so I leaned forward and put my hand out, I gently poked her face hoping she would move. With no luck I move my hand away and simply stare at her, if only she could see me and talk to me, this infirmary wouldnt be so lonely.

After an hour or so of thinking to myself Armin came in with a plate, probably dinner. "Hey, I brought you dinnee since you might be hungry." Armin said with a  concerned look, I give a small smile of gratitude then taks the plate. "Did you know Sakura would be right there?" I asked Armin whos face looked worried, he looked at me then at Sakura.

"No, I didnt even know she was still in here. My thoughts were she moved to her room by a nurse to recover, I guess since shes still here her accident must have been pretty bad." Armin and I both lookes in shock, we didnt want to think she was hurt that bad but the thought  between us slowly fades. I finish up my dinner then try my second attempt to sit up, failimg again my head spins in circles leaving me even more dizzy.

"Ugh, Armin what exactly did I do tjat made my head hurt so much?" I said rubbing my head lightly feeling a very big bump. "Well as you went up you were struggling and eventually fell backwards, your body flipped making you land on your head. The nurses said you should be fine with a 2 day rest." He said in a comforting tone, I just looked up at the ceiling and stared blankly.

"Since I'll be here for a bit I mine aswell get my rest, I'll see you tomorrow." I said to Armin after a few moments of silence, I guess it was still awkward having Sakura right there thinking she can hear us. He nodded and wave then left the tent.

I lay on my back since I couldnt move without feeling dizzy, I wonder whats going on with Sakura right now..maybe shes actually...gone?  No, that can be I still have hope for her. Shes strong im sure shes still in there!  I began to think more about Sakura and how she can make it. My mind began to get tired, my thoughts were starting to not make sense, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

~~Hey again! Sorry if this chapter semed a bit short, there weren't many feels so I hoped you will feel a bit happier. Next one I'll do a week or so later when the shipment arrives ;) then u will see soem feels lol. H ope you enjoyed this chapter leave a comment or a like! Happy reading bai for now!~~ ~~Scout Member: kawaiipotat0_0taku~~  ~~Squad Leader: Heichou Levi~~

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