An Unexpected Pairing

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~~Hey fabulous person! Im back at this to slay another titan (chapter) sooo I hope you scouts enjoy this one..and yesh things will be heated hehehe. Also, I know you have probably noticed that I sometimes put appostrafies on my "dont" and "hes" and also that I sometimes don't capitalize my "I's" well just FYI I know, im too lazy(sorry) to go back and fix them all so if this is bugging you just tell me and I will put the effort into doing it ^--^ Anywaaaays!!! Hope you all enjoy this chapter (yea, Armin will come now your welcome Armin lovers) HAPPY READING!! P.S. This chapter will only be Sakura's POV sorry about that~~

~~Sakura's POV~~

As I arrived at the dining hall I looked to around to see it almost empty and no food left, not even a small burnt piece of bread! "Why did Corporal tell me to come here if theres no food!?" Then, out of nowhere a feel a light tap on my shoulder coming from behind me.

I turn around to see a small boy with short shoulder length hair, it was blonde and I almost mistooken the fact that he was a boy! He looked at me nervously and blushed lightly, he must be a nerdy quiet one.

"I-I was s-sent to give this to you, the sender is unknown." He then hands me a plate with a loaf of bread and beside it was a steamed potato.

"Oh, thank you! Im so hungry I could eat anything at this point." He laughed and I took the plate from him, "Oh hey, whats your name?" He looked at me shocked that I actually asked him.

"M-my name is Armin, Armin Arlet," he said still shaking and blushing, its like hes never talked to anyone before. "I'm friends with Eren and Mikasa, I see you hang out with Eren often but I nevered really came up to you before." He added.

"Oh nice! If you want you can sit with us anytime you want were always open for new friends." I said to him with a smile and his face seemed to brighten and his cheecks became a soft pink, "T-thank you, we will come by at dinner.

Anyways, I should get going before someone calls on us for doddling." He waved and walked out to the exit, I smiled and went to sit at a table. I munched on my breakfast then headed out the same way Armin did.

"Shit! I'll be late, its almost 12:00!" I lightly jogged to the courtyard still chewing a piece of steamed potato, I felt like Sasha.

I arrived just on time and began looking around to find Levi, instead I saw other scout members chatting with their friends and some were doing streches.

A few minutes later Heichou appear from within the crowd, the chatter instantly stopped and everyone went into a line. Once we were assembled Levi began to talk.

"Brats, today is your first day of training so theres nothing to hard, I will be evaluating your combat between a person and yourself so be ready.

You will all have a test in two days so I expect you all to be prepare so no horsing around, now move brats! There is no time to waste your expedition is at the end of the week!"

Soon everyone scattered and partnerd up, of course, I was alone. I walked around looking to find anyone open, with no luck I sat down on a bench and watched everyone train.

"Cadet Sakura!" I hear a sharp voice call my name, nervous to see who it is I mumble "Yes sir?" I heard footsteps come closer and soon stop in front of me. I look up feeling really scared, and by no surprise it was of course, the Corporal. "You cant just sit and watch, you actually need to do it for yourself brat.

Now get up, I'll be your partner for today." I look to him, my mind filled with confusion, is Corporal helping me? I get up and we move to the far end of the field, "here, now get into fighting position."

He motions to a spot then stands, he get ready in his fighting position and waits for me to do the same. "Okay, since your set I'll throw a punch at you and you try to block it," I nod and he quickly takes his turn throwing a fast punch which barley misses me.

I jump to the side with a huge sigh, "No brat, your doing it wrong. You need to block it, not jump away from it. Here let me show you." Heichou comes over and positions my hands in order for me to block, I feel a light warmth on my cheecks, great now this is just embarrasing!

After, he moves away and trys to punch me again, this time I do what he showed me and block his punch but then lose my balance. I give a scared sigh and begin to fall, eccept I didn't feel the ground, I felt two warm hands holding me, my eyes were shut, I open them to see Levi staring at me, his face almost touched my nose.

I could feel him breathing On me heavily as if my fall caught him by surprise, we stared at each other, our eyes glittering in one anothers until the silence was broken by Commander Erwin.

"Heichou! You have other students to attend to aswell! Get back to work." Erwin began to walk away and Levi brought me back making sure I was able to stand.

"Are you okay?" He said, I saw him blush and then notice I was too. "Y-yea I-i'm fine. Thank you and sorry for getting you in trouble." I said feeling embarrased as hell, my entire face feeling all warm.

"It's okay, I think I punched too hard for a weak new cadet. At least you blocked it though. Next time you need to make ur legs firm so your able to stand alone and block." He replied blushing, then turned away making sure the it would die down. It almost looked like he was putting the blame on himself.

After a couple of hours of blocking and then rotating back and forth, we made our way side by side to the dining hall.

~~Hey again! OOOO KAWAII EH??? lol idk what did you all think? Comment below :) Chapter 5 (i think lol forgot) coming soon sorry this next one will be a while have to focus on school UGHHH well anyways hope you enjoyed! Bai for now HAPPY READING!~~

~~Scout Member: kawaiipotat0_0taku~~ ~~Squad: Heichou Levi~~

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