Chapter 14

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(A/n: This is the last chapter before the epilogue 😭 What a journey it has been. Thank you guys for sticking with me and reading my bad story. 💕)

"Nothing beats the feeling of being in love and being loved."

No, no I am not. 

I instantly turned around and tried to open my door but it was stuck. Damn. 

I heard a voice speak up from behind the door. "Sorry Y/n, you have to hear her out like you should have the first time," Dinah's muffled voice said. 

I heard hums of agreement from my other friends. They're seriously all blocking the door? They totally planned this. 

"Guys!" I whined. 

"Stop whining and talk to Camila," Alessia's muffled voice now said. 

I huffed and gave up on trying to open the door. I turned around to face Camila and sat on the bed next to her. 

She was staring at me with so much love in her eyes. She looked like she was in a daze. 

My heartbeat quickened at the look she was giving me but I focused on the topic at hand. 

"Camila," I said, snapping her out of her trance. 

She shook her head and turned her body to face me. "I know you don't want to be here right now," she said. I nodded. 

"Before you try to run away again let me talk please," she pleaded. 

I just stared at her expectedly. 

She smiled realizing I was going to listen to what she had to say. 

Not like I had much of a choice anyway but I've avoided it long enough. 

"My feelings for you were always real. Yes, the reason we started talking was because Dinah dared me to get 'the hottest girl in school' to go on a date with me," she chuckled. 

I blushed but kept listening. "But it was the day when we first started talking in math class that I realized I actually wanted to get to know not because of the dare but because you interested me. I caught myself catching some feelings for you that day but I brushed them off. They only came back stronger. I asked you out on a date because I like you and I asked you to be my girlfriend because I'm in love with you," she finished. 

I stared at her shock, she loves me? 

I was ecstatic on the inside but still too shocked to show it. 

She looked at me adoringly before shaking her head. 

"When Jackson blackmailed me to break up with you, of course, I originally refused but I was scared. I was worried that if you found out about the dare you would never talk to me again. I would take being your friend then you hating me and never speaking to me again. I need you in my life and I didn't want to risk losing you. But, I'm sorry. I should have told you about the dare and I should have told you why I actually broke up with you."

She began strumming her guitar, "I wrote this song after our breakup. I was heartbroken and wrote down all the words I would say to you if I had the chance." (Song: Never Forget You- Zara Larsson & MNEK. This is obviously an acoustic version :) )

I used to be so happy, but without you here I feel so low

I watched you as you left, but I can never seem to let you go

'Cause once upon a time you were my everything

It's clear to see that time hasn't changed a thing

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