Chapter 9

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(Double update for not updating last weekend, sorry 😬)

"One lie is enough to question all truths"

2 Weeks Later

Lately, my life has been the same monotonous cycle. Go to school, only talk to Alessia and on occasion Jackson. Come home, eat, cry, sleep. 

I've at this point reluctantly forgiven Jackson after all the effort he's been putting into trying to prove how sorry he is for what he did. 

But what he can't seem to realize is just because I forgave doesn't ever mean I'll be his friend again let alone date him again. 

Speaking of Jackson, I was walking down the hallway to enter the cafeteria because it was lunch. Alessia was already waiting for me at a table. 

I, however, slowed my pace when I noticed Jackson arguing with his friend and teammate Micah. 

Micah seemed to have noticed me watching them out of the corner of his eye because he stopped his argument with Jackson. 

He eyed me, shook his head and walked away from Jackson. 

I was left very confused and was about to question Jackson about why Micah was looking at me like that but he cut me off before I could. 

"Hey, heading to lunch?" he asked and gave me a small smile. 

I squinted my eyes at him in suspicion before sighing, even if I asked what was happening between him and Micah, he wouldn't tell me, it's Jackson after all. 

He just stared back at me with a confused look plastered across his face. 

"What?" he questioned. 

"Nothing" I sighed. 

We walked to the cafeteria and sat down with Alessia. 

"Hey Y/n," Alessia said. "Jackson," she said with distaste lingering in her tone as she eyed the boy up and down. Alessia still wasn't a fan of Jackson and quite frankly neither am I but he's been one of my only sources for support lately. 

I nudged Alessia. She turned to me and gave me the "really you're defending him?" eyes. 

I shrugged and plopped down in the seat next to her at the table. 

Alessia and I fell into conversation while Jackson was staring at his phone with furrowed eyebrows, he looked very concentrated or maybe concerned? I honestly couldn't tell. 

I looked past Jackson's shoulder for a second and caught sight of two brown eyes staring at me. Realizing it was Camila, I broke eye contact and stared down at the table. 

"I think they're talking about you over there," Alessia said as she nudged her head in the direction of Camila's table. 

I quickly glanced up again to see the five girls talking while sparing glances at me every couple of seconds. 

I scoffed and shook my head, "I don't see why they would be." 

Alessia sighed, "Look Y/n, I know she hurt you but she had to have broken up with you for some reason, a real reason, she really liked you. Maybe even loved you." She muttered the last part under her breath but I still caught it. 

I felt heat rise to my cheeks and my heartbeat spike at the thought of Camila being in love with me before I quickly realized what I was doing and calmed myself down. Ugh, I hate that she still has an effect on me. 

"Well, one of the reasons it hurt so much is because when she broke up with me, she didn't give me an explanation," I replied. 

"Yeah, that's why it doesn't make any sense," Alessia said. 

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