Chapter 10

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"You claim you're not guilty. So, stop acting suspicious"

3 days later

"Alessia, Jackson has been acting really weird lately," I told her.

We were currently at my house, chilling in my room when I decided to bring up something that's been on my mind a lot lately. 

"Weird how?" she asked. "Well first off, ever since we broke up with Camila he's been all over me but a couple of days ago I caught him talking to Micah. They were arguing and the second Micah noticed I was watching them, he eyed me and then walked away," I said. 

She hummed and replied, "Yeah I guess you're right, I never really thought about it. I've been too focused on your whole Camila situation." 

I thought over everything that's happened with Jackson, something definitely isn't right. 

Then I suddenly remembered something. 

I shot up from my bed and Alessia looked at me confused. 

"What?" she asked. 

"Remember how I told you that Jackson came over and comforted me after I broke up with Camila?" I asked her. 

She raised her eyebrows, "Yeahhh," she said dragging out the h in confusion. 

"How did he know Camila broke up with me?" I asked, my brain running a mile a minute. 

"Nobody found out about it until the next day when I told them," I added. 

Suddenly Alessia shot up and sat up too. "Woah, you're right, how would he have known?" she asked. 

We both sat and tried to think of a logical explanation to the situation but after a couple of minutes, we both were still left confused. 

"What if Camila told him?" Alessia asked. 

I turned to her and looked at her like she was crazy. "Are you serious, Camila, tell Jackson about our breakup?" I questioned. 

"Yeah, what if she just wanted you to have someone to move on from her with or something like that," She said. 

It kind of made sense but then I remembered what happened with Camila in the parking lot a little while back. 

"No, she actually very specifically told me not to date him," I stated. 

"Wait what?" Alessia asked. 

"Remember when I told you Jackson kissed me?" I asked. 

She nodded. "That same day as I was heading home Camila practically begged me to not date Jackson," I said. 

"Seriously? Why didn't you tell me this before," Alessia replied as she smacked me on the arm. 

"Sorry! I was confused about it myself and wanted to think it over before I told you but I guess it's too late for that now." 

Alessia shrugged, "Still should've told me." 

I smiled and pushed her shoulder lightly. 

"Okay, back on topic, Jackson's being very suspicious and Camila is trying to prevent you from dating him," Alessia stated. 

I nodded, "Yeah that's pretty much everything," I said. 

I looked over at Alessia and I could tell by the look on her face she was thinking hard. 

Suddenly, her face lit up and a small smirk took over her lips. 

"Uh oh I know that face, what are you planning?" I asked as I eyed her skeptically. 

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