Chapter 4

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"You've made me feel beautiful when I thought I was nothing"

There they were, my best friend and my boyfriend. But, instead of talking, they were making out.

I felt my heartbreak, but not for the reasons I expected.

I've become so unattached to Jackson at this point that I was more upset about Elijah doing this to me than him.

I mean Elijah has been my best friend for years, I just can't believe he would throw it all away like this.

I started crying and I guess it wasn't as quiet as I thought because they both turned around to look at me.

Jackson's face went completely pale, his eyes were widened in fear and distress. Elijah, on the other hand, had a pained expression on his face but the same scared eyes that Jackson wore.

"You know I would expect something like this from him," I said pointing to my now ex-boyfriend.

I then turned to Elijah, tears still streaming down my face, "but, you Elijah, after all these years of friendship? You throw it all away for Jackson?" I questioned him as my voice cracked.

They were both evidently still in shock so I shook my head and ran to the front door. I quickly left the house and sat on the front lawn.

I pulled out my phone and called Alessia, she answered after one ring.

"Yeah Y/n?". "Can we leave early?" I said while looking around.

"Uh, yeah, yeah sure, where are you right now?" she answered, obviously hearing the distress in my voice.

"Outfront, I'm sitting on the lawn," I responded while wiping my eyes with my shirt.

"Okay, give me like 30 seconds and I'll be over there."

Sure enough about a minute later I saw Alessia come running out the front door, her eyes frantically searching for me.

Once she spotted me, she pulled me up from the ground and into a giant bear hug. "What happened?" she asked while stroking my back to calm me down.

"Can we not talk about it right now?" I mumbled into her shoulder.

"Okay, okay, let's go home, I'll drive," she agreed.

Once I got home I went straight to my bed, kicked off my shoes and laid down. I was so exhausted I didn't care if I slept in my clothes.

Alessia knew I needed emotional support even if I wasn't talking yet so she cuddled with me until I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of voices downstairs.

I got out of bed and threw on a hoodie to see what was going on.

I saw none other than Alessia talking to Dinah, Normani, Ally, Lauren, and Camila.

For a second I panicked because Camila was here and I knew I looked like crap but I didn't have the energy to care.

The sound of my footsteps entering the living room stopped their conversation. They all turned to me with concerned expressions on their faces.

Not even a second later, Camila rushed over to me and koala hugged me.

She pulled back and grabbed my face with both her hands. "Are you okay?" she asked, her worried eyes scanning my face.

I cracked a small smile that seemed to also make her smile and said, "No but I will be."

She sighed and grabbed my hand leading me over to one of the couches. I sat down and she sat down next to me, putting her head on my shoulder.

"Okay, that was cute and all but what happened Y/n?" Dinah rather loudly asked.

"Jackson cheated on me with Elijah," I mumbled under my breath.

"A little louder Y/nn," Ally said while putting a hand on my knee for comfort.

"Jackson cheated on me with Elijah," I stated clearly this time.

A chorus of yells followed my statement. "He WHAT?!?", "Girl I knew he was no good for you", "I can't believe Elijah would do something like that", "What kind of person cheats?", "He didn't deserve you, Y/n."

Honestly, if I wasn't as upset as I was I probably would have laughed at their outbursts.

Normani was the first to stand up and open her arms for a hug. I got up and hugged her tightly, it felt nice having supportive friends like this.

"Group hug!" Lauren shouted as she ran over to join the hug.

Soon enough, everyone was joining in on the hug. After a good 15 seconds, it was getting cramped.

"I think that's enough group hug for me guys," I said with a breathy laugh.

They quickly separated from me while mumbling "sorry."

"Thank you guys for being here for me though, I appreciate it," I said while looking at them.

"You know we got your back girly," Dinah said while throwing an arm around my shoulder. "And I don't want you moping around all day, that's not helping anybody. We should go out somewhere," Dinah added.

Numerous requests were thrown around and after some arguing, we agreed to go out to eat and then come back to my house for a movie. Then, of course, a sleepover.

As we were all getting ready to leave, Camila came up to me. She hugged me from behind, kissed my cheek and said, "He really didn't deserve you."

I turned around in her embrace, "Thank you, looks like I'm gonna be single for a while now," I sighed.

She smiled, "You'll find somebody, trust me," she said then winked. She kissed my cheek one more time before skipping off to go talk to Dinah.

Maybe I wouldn't be single for too long after all.

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