Chapter 7

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(A/n: Thank you to everyone who's been voting and reading <3)

"Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead"

I sat down at the lunch table with all my friends.

I quickly greeted all of them and pecked Camila on the lips before zoning out.

I was thinking about the interaction earlier today between Elijah and me. I still can't believe he had a crush on Jackson, a big one at that and he never told me!

If I had known he liked Jackson I would have never said yes to going out with him.

At least the whole kissing Jackson thing makes more sense now.

Speaking of Jackson, ever since I broke up with him he seems to have made himself scarce.

I've seen him maybe once or twice since our break up which was what? 3 and a half or so weeks ago?

I'm definitely not complaining I just find it a little weir-

My train of thought was cut off as I felt something hit my head.

"Ow!" I looked to see what was thrown at me, sure enough, laying on the cafeteria floor was an apple.

I looked up and saw Lauren staring at me with a playful grin. "Sorry, you were just really zoned out and I said your name like 5 times. I had to get your attention somehow," she shrugged.

I glared at her while she bit her lip to contain her laugh.

"What's on your mind Y/n?" Lauren asked, still trying not to laugh.

"Elijah..he uh..he's moving and earlier today I talked with him, to say goodbye," I said.

This sure caught everyone else's attention. They all stopped their conversations and turned to me.

"Hold up, what?" Normani questioned.

I shrugged, "He's moving to Washington so earlier this morning before school I went to go talk to him."

Everyone had different looks on their faces but you could tell they were all curious.

Alessia nudged my side, "What'd he say?" she asked.

"It's actually kind of a long story but Elijah had a crush on Jackson before we started dating and the day he was going to ask Jackson out was the day I started dating him instead."

Everyone's eyes widened at that. There was about a 30-second silence, everyone just quietly processing the new information. That was until Ally broke the silence first.

"I know what he did was terrible but I feel a little bad for him honestly," Ally spoke up.

Everyone looked at her with raised eyebrows (except for me because I felt the same way).

"What, I mean think about it guys, your best friend dating the person you had a crush on. That would hurt," Ally shrugged.

I sighed and nodded, "Ally's right," I said.

I looked around and it seems like everyone had a different opinion they wanted to say but held their tongues, not wanting to cause any more drama or tension.

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