Chapter 13

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(A/n: Thank you guys for reading & voting, ily 💜)

"Trust can be rebuilt. It takes time, communication, and pure honesty."

It had been a week since my confrontation with Camila and Jackson. 

Jackson stared at me in the halls but listened to what I told him and never approached me. 

Camila, well I don't know if she was trying to approach me honestly. I dodged her every time she was near me. In math class, the class we shared, I just sat as far away from her as I could. I could tell she noticed what I was doing, she always looked hurt but I don't know why. 

Alessia was mad I didn't hear Camila out but didn't argue with me on it knowing how stubborn I was. 

I honestly kept to the same people. Alessia and recently, Micah too. 

I for sure think something is going on between Micah and Alessia but I'll wait for them to tell me if there is something there. 

Micah is a chill guy, he's become one of my close friends in just this short amount of time. 

It was Thursday night and I was home alone. Cole was back at his dorm in college and my mom was working late again. 

My dad, he's a different story, I never really see him. He's pretty much always on business trips. I've never really been close to either of my parents. My dad is always gone and I barely see my mom. I'll see her for a little while in the morning and only ever once a while at night. 

I know she's busy, she's a nurse who works in the ER so I can only imagine how busy and tired she must be. I'm not mad at her for it, it's her passion, she loves her job. I just wish she had more time for me and Cole like when we were little. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. I got up and opened the front door to find Ally standing there. 

I stood there in shock before letting her in. As soon as I shut the door she began talking. 

"Y/n I am so sorry about the whole Camila dare thing. I promise I didn't know about the dare. Dinah was the one who dared her to do it. I wasn't even there but if I was I would've stopped the-," she rambled but I cut her off. 

I placed a hand on her shoulder, "Okay, Ally, breathe, I get it and I'm not mad at you." 

She looked at me with a smile, "Really?" I nodded my head yes. 

She clapped her hands excitedly and hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back. 

After a little while, we broke apart and she grabbed my hand to lead me into the living room. 

Once we sat down on the couch she turned to face me. "So, we haven't talked in a while. Catch me up," she said. 

I filled her in on pretty much everything that happened since my breakup with Camila. The only thing she really knew about was my "talk" with Camila because of course, Camila filled her in.  

I appreciated Ally's presence. She was always very easy and nice to talk to, her presence is calming in itself. 

After we had been in silence for a minute she sighed. "Well I guess I should tell you my perspective on this whole thing and what I know," she said. 

I looked at her in curiosity, anticipating what she was going to say. "The whole time I didn't know about the dare as I told you," she said. I nodded. 

"I could tell something was up with Dinah and Camila though. They would always have arguments and when we asked them what was wrong they just brushed us off.  Apparently,  Dinah was happy that Camila was happy but she was worried about the repercussions of the dare. Dinah wanted Camila to keep you at an arm's length but Camila didn't listen," she said. 

She then looked into my eyes for a second before going back to staring at her hands in her lap as she recalled the events. "After the breakup, Camila told me and the other girls about the whole Jackson blackmailing her thing and about the dare. Lauren believed that Camila should tell you about everything. Dinah disagreed and thought it would only make things between you guys worse. Camila was torn and Mani and I were both neutral about the whole thing. We understood both sides but we did feel like Mila should have told you about Jackson blackmailing her at some point, it's only fair," Ally finished. 

Ah, then that's why I noticed Dinah and Lauren arguing a lot after my breakup with Camila. 

Hearing Ally's point of view was interesting. 

Suddenly Ally turned to me again and looked at me right in the eyes. "Now let's talk about what happened between you and Camila a week ago," she said with determination in her voice. 

I groaned, here we go again. "You're just going to tell me the same thing that Micah and Alessia told me," I replied. 

She raised her eyebrow, "And what did they tell you Y/n?" 

"They told me that I need to hear her out and listen to what she has to say," I said. 

Ally smiled and nodded her head. "I agree with them," she said while still smiling. 

I waved her off and dodged the topic by getting up from the couch and saying, "I'm gonna order some pizza, do you want to stay for dinner?" I asked. 

Ally shrugged and nodded. She knew I was avoiding the topic but didn't push it, for now, I'm sure she would bring it back up later. 

The next day at school I hung out with Micah, Alessia, and Ally all day. 

I saw her talking to the girls earlier in the morning before she met up with me. She was probably explaining what happened yesterday. 

Ally kept me in a positive mood almost all day long. Sometimes I would space out and remember everything that happened between me and Camila. I missed her, a lot. 

Alessia would notice me zoning out but would leave me alone which I appreciated. 

Tomorrow was Saturday anyways, just this last day of school to get through. 

When the last bell of the day rang I walked back to my house. 

I noticed some unfamiliar cars parked around my house. I was confused and when I made it to my front door I carefully opened it and peered inside. 

When I walked in I saw none other than Dinah, Normani, Ally, Lauren, Alessia, and Micah sitting in my living room. They were all looking at me with weird smiles. 

"Uhh, guys? What are you doing here," I asked as I eyed them with suspicion. 

"We just wanted to hang out. You know, catch up. It's been a while," Dinah said. I nodded slowly and made my way towards them. 

Alessia suddenly spoke up, "Oh Y/n, Cole's in your room. He said he'll be home for a few days." 

I tilted my head in confusion. Why is Cole home? He's not supposed to be here for at least another 3 weeks. 

Nonetheless, I rushed up the stairs to my room to see my brother. 

I opened my room door and shut it behind me. 

When I looked around my room I instantly spotted none other than Camila Cabello sitting on my bed with her guitar in her hands. 

She gave me a sheepish smile. "Hi Y/n," she spoke softly. 

Am I ready to face her?  

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