Chapter 8

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"With all the smiles you brought me, I never thought you could cause so many tears"

2 months later

Camila and I have been dating for a little over 2 months now and honestly, everything's been great.

She's everything I could ever want and more and she treats me great, better than Jackson ever did or could. 

Over time, we've learned a lot about each other, more than we already knew. 

We've become so familiar with each other, we know what the other's thinking without them having to say anything. 

All that time spent together I guess brought us closer. 

It was currently Sunday and I haven't seen Camila since Friday at school. 

Speaking of Friday, while I was walking in the hallways at school I saw something I never thought I'd see. 

Camila and Jackson were talking, like having a full conversation. I just shrugged it off, they had two classes together so maybe they were just exchanging notes or something. 

But why Jackson of all people? I don't know but I didn't ask, I didn't want to be invasive. 

Anyway, I haven't seen her since then. Normally we spend our entire Saturday together but she said she had something to do. 

She's supposed to stop by soon actually to 'make up for it.' 

I heard a knock on my door and instantly got up from my bed. 

As I expected, it was Camila. I let her in with a smile. I closed the door then turned to face her. My smile fell once I noticed her expression. 

She had sad eyes and a frown etched onto her face. Her eyebrows were furrowed, she looked like she was contemplating what she was about to say. 

"Camila, what's wrong?" I asked while grabbing both of her hands. 

She sighed and said, "We need to talk." Well, she just completely dodged my question, that can't be good. 

"Ok? Wanna go to my room?" I asked. She just nodded while looking down at the floor, afraid to meet my eyes. The longer she was acting like this, the more I was starting to worry. 

We climbed the stairs to my room and sat on my bedside by side. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. 

"Camila tell me what's wrong, you're scaring me," I said. 

She looked up from her lap and into my eyes. I saw a lot of emotion swirling in those brown eyes. Tears started filling her eyes. 

Instinctively, I reached my hand up and wiped her eyes and then rested my hand on her cheek. I lightly caressed it while staring at her, patiently waiting to hear what's wrong. 

"Y/n we need to break up," she said shakily. 

My heart stopped beating. I sat there shocked as my hand slowly slid off her face. 

She caught it and held it while looking at me, waiting for my response. 

Once the words finally sunk in, everything became blurry as tears slid down my cheeks silently. 

"Why?" I croaked out. I had a million questions swarming in my head but that was the only word I could get out right now. 

"I-it's just-" she cut herself off, a pained expression flashing across her face before she continued, "I don't think it's working out." 

I was so confused but mostly angry and sad. "It's not working out? What? Camila we've been doing great, I thought we had something real here," I frustratedly spoke while wiping my tears. 

"This hurts me too Y/n," she said. 

"Then why are you doing it," I shouted. She flinched at the anger in my voice. I quickly huffed and calmed myself down before adding, "If it hurts why are you doing it." 

She bit her lip, tears still streaming down her face, "I just have to." 

I wanted more answers, I wanted an explanation but she just got up. 

She looked back at me once more in the doorway before leaving my house entirely. 

I sat there broken and shocked. 

So this is what heartbreak feels like.


I had been crying for about two hours now, trying to fall asleep because I had school tomorrow. But I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried, Camila was still stuck in my head. 

I heard a faint knock on my door. I lazily slid out of my bed with my messy hair and bloodshot eyes to answer the door. 

There stood Jackson, great how much worse can this day get. I was about to shut the door to him but he put his hand on it before I could. 

"I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but I heard what happened," he softly spoke. 

I saw genuine concern in his eyes and something else but I wasn't sure what it was. 

I just stared at him unamused. 

He just sighed and shot me a charming smile before opening his arms. He really wanted me to hug him? 

I shrugged and embraced him. I needed comfort right now, even if it was Jackson. 

He guided me into the house and closed the door with me still in his arms. "Movies and chocolate?" he asked while running his fingers gently through my hair. 

"Yeah," I sighed out. 

I sat on my bed in my room while Jackson set up the movie and got the popcorn and chocolate. 

We watched a movie while I rested my head on his shoulder. 

He continuously ran his hand through my hair, knowing it helps me fall asleep. 

Eventually, I did fall asleep.


When I woke up I was tucked into my bed. 

I looked around confused, where's Jackson? 

I saw a note on my nightstand and reached for it. "I had to go home to shower and get changed, I'll drive you to school today. :)" 

If this was any other day where I wouldn't have accepted but I just decided to go with it, he's just being nice. 

I did my normal morning routine before waiting for Jackson on my front porch. 

He pulled up in the driveway after a few minutes. 

I got in and sat silently throughout the whole ride. 

Jackson looked like he wanted to talk to me but I knew he understood I wasn't in the mood. 

The whole time I just sat there thinking, how could my world turn completely upside down in the matter of one day? 

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