Chapter 11

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"Truth carries with it confrontation"

My eyes instantly widened. "W-what?," I managed to stutter out.

Micah just sighed and then pointed for me to sit in the desk next to him. 

I cautiously sat down. 

Micah knows why Camila broke up with me? 

What? How? Why? I have so many questions. 

I looked into Micah's eyes and I knew he had the answers to all my questions by the apprehensive look in his eye. 

"Okay, just listen to the whole story first and try not to interrupt me like that one over there," Micah said as he pointed Alessia with a shaky chuckle. 

Alessia just scoffed and flipped him off. 

Micah shook his head as he smiled in amusement. 

I eyed the two back and forth. Is something going on between them? 

My thoughts were interrupted by Micah clearing his throat and straightening his posture. 

"Right okay," he sighed. "Do you remember the day you and Camila met?" he asked, still bouncing his leg nervously. 

"Um, yeah? She was blocking my locker and I had to ask her to move," I said. I remember that day clearly. She took my breath away insta-okay no stop, not the time. 

"Well you see, Camila was dared to get you to go on a date with her," Micah said then winced anticipating my reaction. 

Again, my eyes widened. I sat back in my chair dumbfounded. 

Then I thought it over and I felt my heartbreak at the realization I had come to. 

I locked eyes with Micah and he knew what I was thinking.

"Yes, so the reason Camila started talking to you in the first place was because of a dare," he answered. 

And yet again my world came crashing down. This hurts worse than my breakup with Camila did. 

Slowly my mind pieced everything together as my eyes began to water. 

Series of Flashbacks: 

The day I met Camila

They all waved at me with smiles except Dinah who was smirking as she glanced between Camila and me. I brushed it off not knowing why she was smirking. 

The day after my breakup with Jackson. 

She smiled, "You'll find somebody, trust me," she said then winked. She kissed my cheek one more time before skipping off to go talk to Dinah. 

The day after Camila and I got together officially. 

I was walking through the hallways, about to round a corner when I heard voices talking in a hushed tone. 

Curious, I peeked my head from the side of the wall and there they were, Dinah and Camila.

I was about to go over there and question why they weren't at the table yet when Dinah started talking again.

"Mila, it was never supposed to go this far," she sighed. 

"I know Dinah but there are real feelings involved now!" she exclaimed.

It seemed to me that they were arguing. "Look, once she finds ou-" 

I decided to walk away and not listen in anymore. It felt like I was intruding on a private conversation. 

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