Chapter 28

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      "Noah?" Celeste said walking down the steps of the platform. Her hands gripping the side of her dress anxiously. I couldn't help but noticing both of their body languages. I was cursed for being extremely observant of my surroundings.

      "What is the meaning of this?" Michelle asks. She looked appalled by his presence.

       "Let's go talk in private," Noah said calmly. His jaw ticked slightly. At that moment I could read his mind. I knew what this must have been about. It was the only thing Noah would show up here for.

      "No, anything you have to say to me can be said in front of them. What's going on?" Celeste asked. She walks closer causing Noah to back up slowly. Celeste hesitates noticing his dislike in her closeness.

      "You want them to hear this? That's fine by me. Why did you fake being pregnant?" Noah asked. Nat and I both look at each other. Nat with a face of disbelief on it. She bits her lip trying to hide a smirk. I couldn't help, but let a smile slip.

      "What are you talking about?" Celeste said feigning innocence.

        Noah blowed up, "I called your doctor. You went to the doctors two weeks ago for a check up."

       "What does that have to do with anything?" Michelle interrupts. Noah glanced over to her noticing her presence. Michelle stepped forward to stand besides her daughter.

       "The doctor tested a urine sample you gave him. I asked him about it and he said it was completely normal. The hormone that shows up in your urine when you are pregnant wasn't there," Noah states with his arms crossed.

          "Wait, you're not pregnant?" Ana asked. She stood self consciously by the door. Her face covered with a blush from her boldness.

         "I'm not pregnant," Celeste answers timidly.

There was a knock on my door. I slam the journal I was writing in shut. Tossing it onto my bed I scramble to answer the door. Noah stood there in his casual black suit. "Hey," I say. There's wasn't anything else I could say.

Noah has been sleeping on the couch ever since his altercation with Celeste. While she slept in his room he refused to stay in a guest room. I couldn't think of the reason why except no guest room had a working tv at the moment. Noah claimed it was rare a guest room was needed. So he never cared enough to activate all the tv's.

"Uh we have that lunch with Ana and Sam," Noah reminds me. He stood there awkwardly with one hand behind his neck. He looked adorable, but of course I would never tell him that. It was worse enough what was starting to occur between us.

"That's not for a few hours," I say glancing at the clock on my new phone.

"I was actually thinking we could get a drink before?" Noah suggests.

       "Uh yeah let's go," I say walking towards the door grabbing my jacket off my dresser. Noah leads me down the hallway. Neither one of us spoke as we left. Natalia and Garret were on the couch, but didn't bother to comment. Nat wiggling her eyebrows at me as we pass.

         "I'm sorry about the Celeste situation," I confess.

         "It's fine. I'm not surprised she's done something like this," he confesses grabbing keys off the garage wall. He unlocked a black SUV across the garage.

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