Chapter 24

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"What is the purpose of this?" Celeste asks throwing her pillow onto the ground. Ana stood next to her with her arms placed on her hips.

     "We are having a sleepover," Nat announces fiddling with movies on the screen.

      "I was meant to call Samson," Ana whines. Sam was apparently on a business trip. Meaning the time frame made it hard for calls.

      "Ew Samson? Really?" Celeste's face scrunches up.

      "Hey, he was born with that name. He goes by Sam," Ana explains. My mind traced back to Samuel. I haven't seen the ginger for days now. I only hoped it would continue.

       Nat has been constantly on my case about it. Urging me to tell Noah what's been going on. I didn't want to stress him out though. It was worse enough I barely was allowed out of the house. "I don't want to watch some horror movie," Celeste groans.

"We should watch Mean Girls," Ana suggests. Nat gives them a dead panned look before clicking on a marvel movie.

"Marvel it is. Deal with it," she says. The music for the Marvel theme popped up on the screen. Nat pauses the movie tossing the remote onto the couch.
"Since we're all fussy let's wait for Ana to finish her call," Nat proposes. Ana squeals grabbing her phone off the table running out of the room.

Celeste rolls her eyes sitting down on the floor. Her pjs looked to be made out of silk. Something you'd definitely see at a place like Victoria secret except more expensive. Meanwhile I wore red plaid pj pants with a sweatshirt. Nat copied me but wore a tank top instead of a sweatshirt.

"What is this bonding time?" Celeste comments. Nat shrugs taking a spot on the couch next to me.

"Sure why not. Sleepovers are all about secret sharing anyways," Nat says.

"Okay secrets it is. Reyna, how's Brendon?" Celeste begins. Nat glances at me then looks back at Celeste.

I cleared my throat, "we've agreed that when things are right we'll talk. I've realized that maybe it wasn't meant to be," I confess. Celeste smirks pulling her pillow into her lap.

"That's relationships for ya," she replies.

"Why didn't you tell me you hooked him up with your cousin?" I mention. She looks shock that I knew. I wasn't going to let her by without an answer either.

"It wasn't relevant. I was just trying to make sure he was happy. I thought you guys would be cute," she shrugs.

"Uh Garret and I may be together again," Nat interrupts.

"We all knew that judging by the hickie I can see on your neck," Celeste laughs. Nat glares at her, but smiles slightly.

"Do you forgive him?" I ask curiously.

"I've been working towards it. I've even been going to weekly therapy sessions. It's going to take some time," she says with a soft sigh.

"I can tell that Garret is really trying though. He's been improving with Faye," I tell her. She smiles at my confession. Clearly she was love struck like a teenager.

"Where is Faye?" Celeste asks. Nat points at the ceiling referring to Faye's room. It was only ten pm meaning her bedtime was a few hours ago.

"How long do you think Ana will be?" I ask. We didn't have any popcorn made yet. I was starting to crave candy except I doubt we had any. I raided the cabinets a week before. Only imagine my shock when Noah caught me red handed and made me eat an apple.

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