Chapter 6

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The movie premiere ended with a clash. Celeste showed up to the premiere with friends. She wore a revealing dress and was accomplished by a male. Of course the male was gay. But Noah was mad beyond fixing at that point. He had to be brought into another room to be contained from the public. If the paparazzi saw his freak out he would be slammed in the press. The gossip channels would go crazy over the tea.

Brendon brought me into the room with him. Since he was close to Noah it was only necessary he had to be there. I stood awkwardly in the corner with Brendons jacket draped on my shoulders. Celeste and Noah stood there fighting in the middle of the room. "You have been ignoring my messages. You missed my press meeting I had. I wanted you to be there! Now you show up unannounced with unknown friends. Especially a male I have no knowledge of," Noah ranted.

The steam practically oozing out of his ears. I felt uncomfortable hearing their relationship problems. But I haven't even seen Celeste since I first moved in. It's been a couple weeks. I guess modeling really takes a lot of time. I didn't understand why Celeste's agency brought her to Europe though. What would happen if she wasn't back by the time I gave birth? How would the baby bond with it's new mother?

I instantly touch my stomach at the thought. I wasn't that far along but still. It hurt me to see children grow up without parents. I could understand Noah's frustration. But at the same time I felt like he was the insecure one in the relationship. He was over reacting in the this situation. Celeste stood hovering above him. She didn't bother to speak, instead laid her hand on his bicep. She looked at a lost for words.

"Babe, I'm sorry I didn't reply. I need you to calm down. Now that I'm here the paparazzi will be looking for a photo of us," she says glancing around.

"Fine," he said storming out.

That was approximately five days ago. I stood outside in an alley way in a trench coat. The smell of rotting food making my stomach clench. "Aha!" Brendon cheers. He pulls out an half eaten sandwich from the garbage. The large bites in it in an odd shape. It wasn't a human that was eating it. "The Pitbull was here," he concludes.

"What do we do now?" I ask. I tug my coat closer to my body. The chilly weather was sleeping closer to me. Brendon woke me up at six am claiming the traps sensors were triggered. He really wanted to catch this mama dog. I felt like putty in his hands watching him smile down at me. He was so adorable right now.

He clears his throat, "she's hungry so we should leave something bigger in the trap. Maybe some fresh chicken to attract by smell." One of his crew members jogs off. Did I mention we weren't alone? Well he also dragged five other people here to observe. One of them was an annoying teenage boy. He sat there in his skater boy cloths. His dirty blonde hair pulled back into a low pony tail revealing his neck tattoo. I couldn't imagine he was working for Brendon. He looked like he didn't want to be here. Every time Brendon would ask for his help he would complain.

The crew member, Josh, reappeared with a turkey leg. "It's all they had," he confesses. Brendon nods sternly to him tossing the food into the contraption.

"Okay I need one of you across the street in the cafe. Keep an eye out on the radar. The rest of us will just have to wait it out. Go back to daily routine," he says standing up. Everyone stalks off into different directions. The skater boy immediately goes into the cafe.

"Who's he?" I ask. Brendon follows my gaze across the street to the cafe. The glass windows revealing the boy ordering at the front.

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