Chapter 29

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    "Are you sure you're ready for this?" I ask Noah. He sat there pacing back in forth in the room. His attorney had just stepped out to check if Celeste had arrived.

     "I-I'm worried," Noah stutters. He turns to face me vulnerably. I walk over pulling him into a hug.

      "Noah, we can always find a way through this. I-I don't think you should marry Celeste," I sigh. Noah pulls out of the hug seconds later.

      "I don't want to marry her," he admits. I wanted to face palm. He was so unpredictable.

      "Then don't marry her. It's been five months since I've came into your life. Y-your relationship has been falling apart since...," I say realization. I was the fault for the conflict between them. As far as I knew the problems didn't start until I moved in. Was it my fault?

       "I-I'll try to find a way around this," he states. He glances towards the door nervously.

       "But won't you be signing a contract with her? You're basically saying you will marry her. Noah don't go through with this," I beg him. Both my hands trapping his right hand in my grip. I tug lightly to ensure his attention was on me.

        "Celeste is hard to manage. The chances of her not breaking one thing in the contract is slim. I'm not an innocent man. I'm capable of getting things to go my way when I can," he comments. I roll my eyes starting to walk towards the door. I couldn't be in here during the meeting. We were currently renting a room at the courthouse. If Celeste saw me she wouldn't be happy.

        "They have to be here soon. I'll go wait in the lobby," I say. My hand reaching for the handle of the glass door.

        "Wait, can you stay please?" he asks shyly. I turn around to see him griping the chair. His grey suit now crinkled slightly.

         "Am I allowed?" I ask walking over to him.

        "I mean you're a big part of this," he mentions. Suddenly the door opens revealing his attorney.

        "They're right behind me," he states walking over to Noah. They both take a spot next to each other.

        "She's staying in the meeting. Is that alright?" Noah asks. The attorney examines me nodding slowly.

        "You need to sit between the two parties. So sit on the end," he says pointing to the chair next to him. It was the closest chair to the door.

       As I take my spot the door opens again. Inside walks Celeste and her father. "Reyna? Why is she here?" Celeste asks.

        Noah doesn't look fazed by her question. "She's a big part in this. It's important she witnesses this exchange," he claims.

        Her father smiles at me taking the other spot on the side of me. Celeste forced to sit across from Noah. "The mediator should be here soon. They're just supposed to be here to manage us," Noah's attorney states.

       "They should have been here already," Robert, Celeste's father, comments. I sat there awkwardly partly regretting to stay. I wanted to support Noah, but I felt like Celeste was sending daggers my way. I guess there went any civil interaction we would have.

        "I have work to get done," Celeste sighs.

         "We'll we can always start without them. Introductions and all," his attorney offers. "I am Mark Witter, Mr. Coldwell's attorney," he says leaning forward to shake Roberts hand.

        "Robert Fischer," he responds with a smile.

"And this is your daughter Celeste Fischer?" Mark asks for confirmation. The door opens and in walks a slim woman with a briefcase. She goes to the other end of the table. Her bright blue eyes glances between each side of the table.

Surviving the Storm Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora