Chapter 11

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I watched as Celeste fixed her makeup. She angled her iPhone above so the camera exposes her flaws. She huffs rubbing furiously at the bottom of her eyelid. Finally she gives up and slumps back in the couch. I instantly drop my gaze to my dried hands. I spent the night scrubbing my room clean with soap. Part of me was just working out the nerves of their return.

"How was your trip?" I ask. I didn't want to talk to Celeste to be honest. But we were awaiting for Noah to arrive. He told us he had news to share and wanted everyone here.

"Oh gosh it was so amazing. Noah surprised me!" Celeste gasps showing me her ring. The ring nestled perfectly on her finger. The large diamond intimidating me from here.

"So when is the wedding then?" I ask bluntly. Celeste doesn't notice my attitude and smiles to herself.

"We are going to plan it for next fall after you give birth!" Instantly I place a hand on my slightly bulging stomach. The loose top doing wonders to cover my complexion. It was currently November which meant that I'd be giving birth around June to July.

"A fall wedding is nice," I reply blankly. The fake smile struggling to stay on my face. A door in the distance creaks making me sigh in relief. Garret must have gotten home with Faye. They've been at the park the whole day bonding. His excuse was that the weather was still nice before it got chilly.

"Oh babe!" Celeste squeals. My heart beat jumps as I catch sight of him. He wore his casual suit with his hands holding a magazine. It was the first time I've seen him since his trip. The night we shared before he left.

His eyes met mine and narrowed. I looked up at him confused as I watched Celeste embrace him. Seconds later he opens his mouth to address me. "When were you going to tell me?" he asks. My eyes navigate down to the magazine in his hands. The cover was Brendon and I.

"Hey guys!" Garret says bursting into the room. Faye instantly runs to the couch taking a spot next to me. Her Barbie doll clutched in her hands. I look up to see Noah placing the magazine upside down on the table.

I gulped involuntarily knowing he wasn't happy. I was mentally thanking Garret for his interruption. "Where's Natalia?" Noah asks. His voice tense and unpleasant. Garret notices and raises a brow before taking a spot in a love seat.

"I'm right here," she says entering the room. The look of hesitation in her eyes as she walked towards Noah. She takes the other seat causing Noah to look down at her curiously.

"Where were you?" Garret decided to ask. Natalia makes eye contact with him. She was clearly stunned by his question.

"Showing Brendon something," she replies. I glance towards the doorway waiting. I wasn't aware Brendon was invited.

"We'll have to start without him then. I called you all here to announce a change in the company. As you know we are a known primary industry. We produce materials but now we opening a new section. I know this isn't anything big I had to call you all in here for. But I'm asking each of you to please help promote. I need a lot of social media coverage," he announces.

"What are you producing?" Natalia asks. Garret leans back completely aware of his announcement. I guess being business partners had its perks.

"We're producing technology that will be used to aid in medical relief."

The room goes quiet as Brendon enters taking a spot on the other side of me. Noah eyes him for a second before turning away. His back turned to us as he addresses everyone else. "I don't understand. Why is this such a big deal?" Natalia asks.

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