Chapter 3

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I sat on the bed next to Noah patiently waiting. My new bedroom was a couple down from his. The walls were dark blue and had a large queen bed in the center. The sheets hung from it slightly making it look like a canopy bed. The room was gorgeous. The dressers matched the bed and the floor was dark stained wood. But it had a grey rug on my bed allowing me some comfort from the cold floor. The bathroom had heated tiles and a shower head sterling from the ceiling. The doors to the shower were glass allowing anyone to see in. I had to remind myself to lock my doors when I showered.

Noah couldn't keep still as he wiggles next to me on the bed. He was really anxious. Ever since he heard how I nearly puked on the assistant who was training me in. She had strong perfume which I knew she got from victorious secret. It reminded me of the cheerleaders I faced in high school.

I couldn't blame the assistant for the perfume. But I believed she sprayed too much because she was trying to impress a guy. I noticed the doe eyes she'd flash at the IT guy in his office as we passed it. Unfortunately for me the smell was so potent the puke crept up my throat until I had too much. I ended up barely making it to the waste basket by the time I puked. Noah luckily was in the building. He told the assistant that I had a caught a cold so I wouldn't be returning to work for a few days.

Now we sat in my bedroom waiting for the pregnancy test to confirm it. Noah freaked out so badly he called the doctor. The doctor told us congratulations but to take a test to be sure. He also prescribed some medication for me to take. Mostly vitamins and recipes to try and help with morning sickness.

He said there wasn't any reason to go in for a check up until I started to show. I couldn't help but touch my stomach hoping to feel something. But the only chance I've had is the morning sickness. Which right now I even felt it lurking around the corner.

The timer on Noah's phone finally went off. Noah jumped to his feet. Before he could go into the bathroom I caught his arm. "Let me do it okay?" He nods slowly before taking a seat back on the bed. He was acting like a giddy teenager. I walked inside eyeing the test on the counter. I closed my eyes as I wrapped my hand around the plastic. Slowly I opened my eyes to see the results.

I could hear him shuffling behind me. Most likely already at the door frame. I turned around to see him walking slowly into the bathroom. His eyes steady on mine. I inhale sharply turning the test towards him.

His eyes widened before he rushed forward pulling me tightly into his arms. "Oh my god." He breathed into my ear. "I'm going to be a father." He nearly screamed. He lets go of me but keeps me at an arms length. His wide eyes examine my body quickly. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need me to get some soup?" I felt my heart warmed at his words. He would be an amazing father. I already knew it.

"I'm fine Noah. If anything I want you to treat me like normal. I even want to go to work right now." I joked. Noah's phone starts to ring after I finish my sentence. He pulls it up to see the screens contents. "Oh crap I actually have a meeting right now. Uhh would you like to come as my assistant ? It's at another company regarding a buy out. You could just take notes for me." He begs. His hand wrapped around my wrist lightly. I glance down at our hands then back to his face. "Sure." I comply. Noah instantly answers the phone call. He didn't bother to wait for me.

He was already striding down the halls causing me to scurry after him. It was as if someone switched a mode switch and there was a new Noah before me. Noah quickly hands me my coat turning to get into his own. The body guards near the door open it for us to walk through. I could sense them following behind us. The clasp of the door confirmed it.

Moments later we sit into a black limousine. I glance down at my dress. Luckily I choose to wear a dark maroon dress stopping at my knees. I had black flats on and my hair was wrapped up into a bun. I looked professional enough.

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