Chapter 14

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I arrived home from Brendon's late in the afternoon. My driver drove a typical black SUV instead of a limo. Ever since they located Wilbert in the alleyway Noah has changed his whole security. We no longer travel by limo's even for business meetings. There is always a change in security every two hours. The guards are all now fully armed and licensed to carry. We weren't taking any chances.

Wilbert wasn't killed but in a way he was. His injuries were so severe that the shock damaged his body. He was practically brain dead in a vegetative state. Noah took his time to privately visit Wilbert at the nearest hospital. The police is working with Noah to conduct an investigation for justice. But even I knew that it was to make everyone feel better about the situation. Whoever hurt Wilbert wouldn't be so easy to find. Which led Noah to practically locking me in the mansion for an extra few days before I would return to work. He claims he told people at work that I was in Europe on a special project for the company.

"Take care Reyna," Benny, my driver, calls out. I wave to him before I shut the door watching him drive off. His shift must be over now that he's been with me for half the day besides the occasional shift changes. As I walk inside I witness Noah standing in the entry way with fuzzy pj pants and a hoodie on. It was the most unprofessional I've ever seen him. Even his hair was left unkept and wild.

"What is going on?" I ask confused. He smirks pulling out another set of pj's from behind his back. They were the pj's I wore a few days ago. Did he go through my dirty laundry? I didn't know what was more disturbing. The fact that he was in my room or that he may have seen my bra's.

"Have you forgotten our deal?" he asks handing me the dirty pj's.

"No but why pj's?" I ask.

He hesitates, "I thought we could have a movie marathon."

"So you went into my room to grab my pj's?" He must have been really eager. It reminded me of a little hyper kid.

"They must have fallen off your bed because they were on the floor," he says. I wanted to face palm at his innocence. Dirty cloths always end up on the floor. Sadly I had an habit of forgetting to pick them up always.

"Uh Noah this is dirty," I say slowly. Noah's face changes its expression in realization. It scrunches up before he shrugs.

"I tried."

"It's okay lets just go have that marathon," I laugh at his miserable state. He cheers up leading me into the movie room on the far side of the mansion. This was one of the moments I truly enjoyed. Noah was showing me a side of him no one rarely ever saw. Sadly, it made me feel special.

Noah's movie room was almost like a theater. There was a large screen on one side, a row of theater recliners and popcorn stands in the corner. But he also had couches in the room and mini fridges. It seemed like this was one of his man caves. Every guy has one or creates one at some point in his life right?

"We're just going to watch movies all day?" I ask in disbelief. Noah wasn't the type to sit around all day.

"Something like that," he says with a smirk. He clicks a button on the remote turning on the projector. Moment later the Disney Channel logo appears. He hits the remote causing numbers to show on the screen. It starts to count down from five before music started to blast through the screen.

Take it from your mumsy
On your own, you won't survive
Sloppy, underdressed
Immature, clumsy
Please, they'll eat you up alive
Gullible, naÎve

"Oh I know this it's Rapunzel! Tangled!" Noah shouts. I look at him shocked to see him standing on one of the couches. I decide to copy him and stand on the same couch. The cousins shifting under our weight making it harder to balance. If he wanted a Disney war he would have one.

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