Chapter 41

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"You're still coming with us to the park right?" Natalia asks. I was currently in my bedroom hiding under the sheets. Nat stood there in the doorway examining the walls. She wasn't use to seeing me in Noah's bedroom. I couldn't lie and say I wasn't either. It still felt surreal being in a relationship with Noah.

"Yeah I just need to talk to Noah. I'll meet you downstairs," I say politely. Nat awkwardly smiles at me before leaving. Once she's gone I sigh collapsing deeper into my bed. I knew she was trying to make up for what happened. She felt awful for leaving the house. If I were her I knew I would do the same for my child. But part of me was holding onto that grudge. The moment she left I almost died at the hands of Celeste.

There wasn't anything that could try make that up. I was scarred for life with the memory. The night still fuzzy in my mind. The one part I didn't understand was Victor. He could have killed me after we talked. Why did they wait to make a move?

"She gone?" Noah asks coming out of the bathroom. He was shirtless wiping the water off of his chest. "You know you could have joined me in the shower."

I laugh awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. Noah notices this and crawls into bed. He leans onto me laying his ear against my stomach. It was a new habit he'd started doing. I didn't protest as I watched him. I was still wrapping my head around this.

I couldn't compare to Celeste. She's a beautiful model yet I am this. An overweight pregnant woman with ten more years on her. My hair wasn't glossy and full of volume. Half of the time I kept it pinned back. I was use to wearing sweatshirts not dresses. Why would Noah want to get with that?

"What's wrong?" Noah asks. I look up noticing his hazel eyes intently watching me. I shyly look away fiddling with my sleeves.

"It's nothing don't worry about it," I say.

"Tell me," he demands. I scrunch up my face in distaste. I didn't want him to know. Over the past week he has became extremely protective. I was practically connect with him at hip. He would spend time waiting for me outside the bathroom. Always offering to carry me.

"Truly, don't worry," I reassure him. He takes a moment to examine me. His eyes traveling down my body causing me to squirm slightly.

"Is it the boot? I thought you said it didn't hurt to walk on it?" Noah asks panicked. He quickly stands up hovering over me.

"No! It's not that," I reply quickly. Noah sinks back into the bed sitting on his knees. He leans forward pulling the hair out of my face. I lean into his touch enjoying the warmth.

"What is it? I know the circumstances of our relationship is odd. I'm sorry if I'm rushing things. It-it's been a while since I've been in a new relationship," Noah breaths out.

The guilt finally eats away at me causing me to confess. "I-I feel like I'm not good enough for you," I say. Noah's face drops in realization. "I'm sorry. I know we've had similar conversations to this before."

Noah turns over to his side of the bed and grabs the remote. He clicks the power button to his smart tv which hanged on the wall. It turns on revealing the local news station. He quickly switches it over to TMZ.

"You hate TMZ," I comment. He shushes next softly while turning up the volume.

"Tonight on TMZ local billionaire Noah Coldwell sues his ex! Famous model Celeste Fischer, who works for a European based agency. Details have not been released yet, but wow!" a man spoke. The screen pans over to the person standing next to the man.

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