Chapter 19

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     I currently sat on the curb of the airport in the grey SUV. My driver sitting there casually watching the taxi's pass by. "Are you sure we're in the right place?" I ask. The driver glances at me through the mirror before giving me a sturdy nod. I leaned back irritated and gazed back inside the airport.

     People were running around with their suitcases. Many of them waiting for their suitcase to come down off the belt. My mother was supposed to be back from her trip today. The first thing she wanted to do was see Noah. She's always been a nosy woman.

     I just hoped she wouldn't cause any issues. I partly believed after what happened with my father she became this way. She's always felt like she wasn't in the loop. Currently I had my window down allowing the polluted air to hit my face. The smell of exhaust and fast food flooding into the car. The beeping and loud chatter of people heightened in my senses.

      "Her plane must be running late," I mutter to myself. Noah sent Celeste away for the day in order to meet my mom. Unfortunately, he told her that my mother was coming over. She claimed we had five hours before she needed to have her "bath" in their bedroom. I'm pretty sure she was shopping right now. Hopefully she would get so lost in the stores to where even Ana can't help her. Ana's first day was today as her assistant. Of course her assignments consisted of helping Celeste shop and fetch things. I guess that's what assistants are meant for.

     Here I was complaining but even I was an assistant for Noah. Of course that was different considering I actually had to work on projects. "Ma'am is that her?" I quickly look up to see a woman who looked similar to my mother standing in the doorway of the airport. Except she had glasses and shorter hair. Which was impossible because my mother had perfect vision. Also she refused to cut her hair. I'm pretty sure it was longer than her now.

        "No, but she looks like her. A little older though," I confess. The woman moves from the door way revealing a man. He walks through wearing a finely tailored suit. His eyes catch sight of me while he stands by the wall with a phone in his hand. He clearly was on a call still. He was a light ginger with green eyes. He wasn't too tall as he looked to be under six feet. But he had a wide frame with huge biceps. It reminded me of a body guard I thought to myself.

       Suddenly the ginger hangs up and slowly starts to walk over to me. My fingers grazes the window button. We were in bumper to bumper parking on the curb. My only escape from danger was locking the door and pulling the window up. Of course the lock button was in the driver seat meaning I'd have to lean forward to hit it.

      "Aw, I recognize you," he says. His accent made me stare at him. It sounded like he was from Canada.

      "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I reply unamused. Stranger danger. Clearly his mother didn't teach him that.

      "You're Noah Coldwell's new assistant? I've seen photos of you from the press meeting. Sorry, I'm just an admirer," he says flashing me a charming smile.

     "Are you a reporter?" I ask. The press meeting had tons of people there. Reporters trying to interview us left and right.

     "Ah no, sadly I'm not a reporter. I'm the brains behind a company. I'm a data analyst," he explains. He stood there with his hands tucked into his pocket looked around the curb. "My driver isn't here yet."

    "Did you just come off a flight?" I ask. Maybe a miracle would occur. Perhaps he was on the same flight as my mother.

    "Yes, from Miami," he casually states. Okay, clearly not my mothers flight.

      "May I ask who you are waiting for?" he asks glancing at me. I look over at my driver and notice him too busy watching various bikers in the biking lanes pass by.

Surviving the Storm Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora