Mapigano and Badili stalked through the grounds of the Outlands towards the hyena's territory.

"...And what if he's not out there?" Badili asked.

"Hmm. Then we'll have to wait for him, even if it takes all night. We can't let those termite-bitten mutts know we're here," Mapigano huffed to himself. The leopards walked side by side under the cloudless night sky. The night was young and Mapigano was determined to make the most of it. He had no idea what Zira was planning with this lion, but he didn't' really care either way. This was just another mission he and his ally had been put upon.

"Mapigano! Look!" Badili hissed, bringing Mapigano back to the present. The smaller leopard pointed forward. Mapigano followed his gaze and found the lion they were looking for.

Nakala snapped out of his thoughts and looked around him. Somehow I always end up here...

He walked onto the training grounds, feeling the soft sand under his paws. He stepped foot in the area many times, always primed to push himself harder. But now the lion just felt tired, the images of his dream still flashing in his mind. He took a deep breath and spotted the big rock that he would usually push around. The idea seemed a little appealing to do, but something also felt a bit off that he could not pinpoint.

A distant snapping sound caught the lion's ear and attention. "Hmmm? Hello?" Nakala hissed, thinking that one of the hyenas also had some trouble sleeping. But looking around the young lion saw nothing. Flicking his ears, he also heard nothing beyond the gentle breeze of the night air.

Right before Nakala could turn his attention towards the training grounds once again. A snarl was heard and a heavy weight jumped on the lion's back. Nakala grunted in pain, feeling sharp claws pricking his shoulders. Thinking quickly Nakala threw himself onto his back, hearing his attacker wheeze as the weight was now shifted on top of him. Jumping up and looking back Nakala looked down to see Mapigano coughing and slowly getting up.

"You... I remember you," Nakala provoked. The day Janja was attacked. I gotta keep them away from the others!

"Hmm, that's flattering," Mapigano chuckled and stood on his feet. "But I'm afraid I'm not alone this time."

Another snarl came, this time Nakala was ready. Quickly turning towards the noise he raised his paw and swatted the smaller leopard to the ground.

"Not bad..." Badili smiled, despite the stars he was seeing. He stood on his feet and lowered himself in preparation to strike.

Nakala looked from leopard to leopard, biding his time and waiting for one or both of them to strike. Mapigano was more than happy to deal the first blow, lunging forward. Nakala met him head on, raising his paws. The two stood on their hind legs, trading blows and swipes. Mapigano dealt a strong hit to the lion's chest. Despite fighting to catch his breath, Nakala swung his right paw and raked his claws against the burly leopard's cheek. Mapigano snarled in pain, jumping back. Badili took that as a sign to enter the conflict.

Badili planned to pounce on the lion, but his plans were quickly thwarted by Nakala jumping to the side and literally swatting him away.

Mapigano groaned in frustration. Badili was a good friend to him but he was frequently seen as a liability in the bigger leopard's eyes, too. He shook his head and accepted that this one basically rested on his shoulders. Seeing an advantage, Mapigano leapt to his feet and pounced on the distracted lion.

Nakala growled in pain as Mapigano learned from his earlier actions and wasted no time digging his claws into the lion's skin. Nakala was about to try his earlier trick before but something caught his attention. Looking over to the still dazed Badili, Nakala saw his chance. Mapigano let out a snarl of surprise as Nakala ran forward. The leopard held tight, thinking that the lion was trying to throw him off again.

Mapigano dug his claws even deeper and grinned as he heard the pained hiss of the lion underneath him. Mapigano looked up, saw what Nakala was running towards and his breath caught in his throat. Nakala continued as fast as he could, raising his back and slamming the leopard into the stone. Mapigano let out a pained groan as his back was thrown into the hard rock along with being squeezed between the lion's weight and the unmoving hard mass. He lost his grip on Nakala and fell to the ground, feeling like all the air was stomped out of him.

Nakala winced in pain, feeling the sting of Mapigano's claws on his back. The damp feeling and smell of blood also came to him. He looked over at the leopard trying to regain his footing and surged up to him. He pinned Mapigano back down on the sand, feeling his claws extend. That's when he felt it again. That rush, the adrenaline that coursed through his veins. A sudden urge washed over him. He saw that his foe was pinned, defeated. All that was left to do was finish it, with just a swipe of his claws.

"Grrrkk..." Nakala shot back to reality to see that he saw pressing his paw down on Mapigano's throat. He reeled back and let the leopard go. Nakala looked over at Badili, who had no idea what to do and just stood staring at the event.

"...Just get out of here...." Nakala snarled at the two leopards. He pushed Mapigano off and Badili rushed to his side. Nakala watched as the smaller leopard helped his ally to his feet and the two stumbled off.

"T-This isn't over..." Mapigano snarled, looking back at Nakala. The lion stood his ground as he watched the two leopards slowly move farther and farther out of his sight.

Nakala breathed a sigh of relief and looked up at the sky that was lightening with the rising sun. His mind was racing with what just happened. Who were those two? Why were they attacking him? And when will they be back?

They have to be from the Pride Lands. Sent here for me or for Janja...

He shook his head and walked back into the cavern to find Amana.  

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