The One With The Sacrifice Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Emily could see that her twin sister was tearing herself apart over the fact that their aunt was now a vampire, so the Gilbert girl decided to focus on that. Emily pulled the brunette vampire back into her arms as she softly ran her fingers through her sister's hair. "You don't deserve this either, Elena," the Gilbert girl mumbled after she placed a soft kiss onto her sister's temple.

The two sisters sat there on the hard ground with their arms protectively wrapped around one another in a heartbreaking silence with only the sound of their loud sobs trailing through the air. However, once the crying had came to a slow stop, the Gilbert vampire looked down to her twin before she confessed, "I'm scared." Elena shook her head before she stated, "I know this might sound selfish or self centered when you have been going through all of this, but I never thought I would have to die."

Emily instantly gave her sister's hand a tight squeeze as to comfort her. "It's going to be okay," the Gilbert girl softly murmured. It was honestly the only thing Emily could say in this moment. She didn't have any master plans or strategies when she was still in shock that her twin sister was here with her right now. The only thing that Emily could do was to have faith that she was going to get her sister out of here alive.

"Is it, though?" The Gilbert vampire quietly inquired with her brows pulled together. Elena shook her head before she told her sister, "I don't have any potion or life line like you do, Em." The Gilbert vampire squeezed her brown eyes closed as she could feel the tears building up again before she whispered with fear all throughout her voice, "I-I'm really going to die."

The human Petrova doppelganger immediately looked over to her twin sister with a look of determination on her face. "No," Emily exclaimed as she shook her head, "no, you are not." The Gilbert girl gave Elena's hand another squeeze as she told her twin, "we are going to fight this, okay?" Emily waited until the anxious vampire slowly nodded her head before the human girl continued, "you are not allowed to give up, you hear me? Klaus does not get to win today."

It would be a cold day in hell before Emily would allow her sister or herself to just give up like Elena was already doing. Emily didn't care if she had to go through millions of Klaus', she wasn't going to lay back just because it was difficult. Emily was going to fight like hell. Hey, Emily was going to die anyways, so might as well go out fighting.

The Gilbert vampire released a shaky breath as she leaned the side of her wet cheek onto her jean covered knee. Elena honestly didn't really have any faith that she would survive as she knew without a doubt that Klaus was going to kill her. There was just no way out of this. However, as Elena glanced over to her determined twin, she knew that she couldn't give up. Elena was going to fight and believe that she could survive this for Emily's sake. It was least that she could do for her twin sister.

Elena released one last deep breath against her knee before the Gilbert vampire looked back up to her twin sister. "Okay," Elena murmured in agreement to the human girl's plan with frightened tears clouding her brown irises before she quietly affirmed, "we're going to be okay."

Emily silently nodded her head before she muttered her reassurance, "we'll be fine." The Gilbert girl, however, didn't know if that was actually going to be true at all. Emily just had this bad feeling in her chest that wouldn't go away no matter how many times that she thought positively. But that wasn't going to stop the Gilbert girl. Emily was going to do everything in her power to make sure that her twin sister got out of this. Elena was not going to die tonight.

The Gilbert twins sat in a quiet and tense silence while they closely hugged one another as they tried to comfort each other before Klaus showed up and ruined everything by killing either one or both of the sisters. However, the tranquility between the sisters soon came to an end when Greta loudly began to walk towards the duo.

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