"Can you turn back time?...Can you go back to that day?...And never go after that ball?" I asked.

He shook his head and started crying then he hugged me.

"You can't do that...I'm not angry... Except for the fact that I couldn't help back then...But I'm glad the father took out his anger on me and not you" I said.

"I'm...Sorry" He said.

"Don't be...And stop crying...I don't like seeing you cry" I said patting his back.

Then the door opened and Ai Tharn walked in.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yes...He was just crying from shock don't worry he's fine" I said.

"I was talking about you" Ai Tharn said.

"I'm alright" I said.

He sighed and nodded.

Ai Type pulled away and took a cup of coffee from Ai Tharn.

"Did Khuan Fern leave for work?" Ai Tharn asked.

"Yes" Ai Type said.

Then they started talking about some stuff and I eventually zoned out on their conversation.

Why the hell did that bastard save me?

What is he trying to prove now?

Then someone waved his hand in front of my face and I looked beside me to see that it was Ai Type.

"Huh?" I asked dumbly.

"Said...You go...Home with us" Ai Type said.

I nodded absentmindly as Ai Pha came in to take off the injections.

"Being at the hospital for too long is not good...Why the hell are you people so hospital prone?" He asked.

Me and Ai Type chuckled nervously.

Then Ai Pha left saying something about the discharge papers.

"Let's go" Ai Tharn said.

Ai Type sat down on the wheelchair and I stood up.

Then we started walking out of the hospital.

Ai Type still can't walk long distances after all.

It seems like his strength is momentarily.

I think I should tell aunt Fern that he almost pinned me down.

I sat on the back seat as Ai Type took the seat beside Ai Tharn and Ai Tharn started driving.

My eyes started dropping.

Type's P.O.V:

We arrived at the Kirigun's household a few minutes later.

Ai Tharn went to wake Ai Gulf who was sleeping peacefully in the backseat.

Then Ai Tharn carried me out of the car and put me on the chair.

Which Ai Gulf wheeled as Ai Tharn opened the door.

"P'Tharn, P'Type" Ai Thanya said hugging Ai Tharn's legs.

Then she squealed happily when she noticed Ai Gulf.

"Hey" Ai Gulf said carrying her as she threw her arms around his neck.

Ai Gulf spinned Ai Thanya as she laughed happily.

Then Mrs Kirigun came out to greet us.

"You're right on time...Lunch is ready" Mrs Kirigun said smiling.

Not So Innocent (In Six Months Bonus Chapters)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ