I'm Alive!

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Hi! Not a chapter. But nice to see you all. How ya been. You going crazy like me. Good. Good. I tried to kimet suicide. Im obviously alive. You know when people post I'm alive it because they been gone for so long with out posting. No. No. I can't be like any other writer. No. I have to mean I'm really alive. So I'll be posting soon. Nice talking to ya all. An I'll let ya know how therapy going when I get a consider. Bye

  I finally came out to my parents as GENDER FLUID! Silver lining. I'm tired as shit. It 1 where I'm at. I tried to kill myself at 8:30. I had to talk with two suicide hot line people at 11. And now I just want to sleep! But I cant. Is it normal to not be able to sleep after suicide? Please let me know in the comments. My neck hurts. If your wondering how I tried to kill myself. I cut my wrist, went in the bath fully clothed and waited. I knew 1/3 things will kill me. Blood loss from cutting my neck, wrist, and legs. Hypothmeya from being in a cold bathtub fully clothed in a thick long sleeve shirt and sweet pants. Or drowning. But I'm alive and getting help. Goodnight. I'm tired as shit. And I can't get to wait I'm repeating myself. Bye.

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