new years

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Happy new years fuck bitches!

It's Lina here! Sorry for not updating. It's I've been well honestly just lazy. Well I plan on updat soon. And yada yada yada.

Hope you guys have a nice new year. And all your revelation complete. Oh who am I kiddin. No one does new year revelation.

Well might as well tell ya mine.

One. Quite cutting.

Two. Be positive.

Three. Stop thinking about suicide

Four. Update more often!

The only one I'm pretty sure I'll me doing is four. Anywho hope you all have a better life yhen me. And year. I plan on update soon so just wait. And if you haven't please check out my other stores. It's crappy as this one if not shitter but it mean alot to me. (90% sure these two books are the reason I'm alive and haven't chopt myself yet).

Bye for now😜!

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