Bathroom Break

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"Alright boys, keep it up" Coach Q yells out onto the ice. We were on ice training getting ready for the first preseason game of the season. There was less than a month until opening night and I was excited to get back into the swing of things. I got a cool goalie partner and a totally sexy goalie assistant coach. This season was sure to be lots of fun and hopefully very successful.

"Where did Sam go" I ask Waite who had spent the morning with my girlfriend making sure we find the hardest goalie drills and have some of the top players in the league go at us. She was the one who helped him develop practice plans for us and keeps track of our stats and matchups, but together they sure do like to push every limit we have. And in the end it'll only make us better so I liked it a lot.

"She has to use the bathroom really quick and I'm not going to be the one who tells a pregnant lady she can't use the bathroom" he laughs.

Fair enough.

Eventually five minutes pass and I start to get restless. I always worry about Sam given the high blood pressure and being around hockey that is the farthest thing from calming. I know that if she felt like she couldn't handle it she would tell me but it's easy to get wrapped up in work, especially considering her work comes home with her.

"Corey" someone yells but when I look around I don't see anyone looking at me. Finally I see Abby standing at the entrance to the ice on the other side of the rink. "The baby is coming" she yells and my eyes get big.

"What" I ask as I skate over to her.

"Sammy's water just broke. She's already having contractions and we need to get her to the hospital" she explains.

I freeze in my spot when I realize that I am about to be a dad and I don't know if I'm ready for that.

"Go" coach Q encourages and I finally find my footing again. I skate off and change before finding Sam waddling to the door.

I run over to her and grab her arm to help her walk a little better. Then again I was in skates and full pads so I don't know how much of help I will be. "Nice of you to join me" she teases and I roll my eyes. Leave it to her to make a joke right now.

"Well you went to the bathroom then never came back so it's not like I got a lot of a warning" I laugh.

"You're telling me!? I thought I had to pee" she laughs.

I get her into the car and I run back inside to change. I shed my pats and practice jersey before trying to pull myself together. I basically fly to the car where Sam was waiting a little too patiently for me to pull off. I start to leave but then I realize one little problem. "We don't have the overnight bag or the car seat or anything for the baby with us" I notice.

"Oh, yeah. That might be a problem" she admits.

"Is stopping by the house a option" I question.

"Can ya make it quick, because I feel like I'm about to have a baby" she claims and I just send her a glare.

"Not funny" I pout.

"Yes we have time, now hurry up" she smiles.

So I rush over to the apartment and grab everything I needed. We were prepared for if the baby came early and was all packed, we just didn't have the stuff in the car. So I toss everything in there and speed off to the hospital.

We get there about four in the afternoon and she gets a room and hooked up to the machine measuring her contractions. We were still in the beginning stages of delivery but her water did break and her contractions were getting closer and closer together.

It was at this point I felt pretty helpless. The whole pregnancy up to now I was able to help in some way whether it make dinner or help her out her shoes on and things of that sort. But I can't do much now, just stay by her side and hold her hand.

"I called my parents and they're on their way. Your mom is packing up to go and get your brother but I don't think they'll be back until the morning" I let her know.

"Perfect. Now we just need the baby" she says.

I brush a piece of hair out of her face and take a long look into her eyes. I can tell she's in more pain than she would let me know, she would never admit to this being too hard for her.

"What can I do" I beg as she just smiles at me.

"Nothing. You being here is just what I wanted" she insists. She softly cups my cheek with her free hand and I smile back at her.

"You ready for everything to change" I ask her as she scoffs.

"Absolutely not. But I am ready for her to be here, to be able to look her in her eyes and tell her how much I love her. To show her how to grow up and be more than just another face in the crowd" she explains.

"You already have such plans for her" I smile.

"I do. I can't wait to bring her to the rink and let her heart decide if she wants to play or not. I can't wait to be sitting there staring at her trying to find out how we could make something so perfect. I can't wait-" she starts before letting out a grunt, "for her to get out of me these contractions are hell" she claims and I smile.

"We'll get you there, I promise. In the mean time what can I get you" she wonders.

"Some water would be awesome" she admits.

So I get her some water and we just hang out. She was only at two centimeters dilated so she had a while to go. Sharpy and Abby and Seab's and Dayna come over to keep us company for a little bit. They've been through this before and having them around helps a lot and I know Sam appreciates it.

But it gets late and they head home to their own families. I stay with Sam as she moves further along. She gets to the point where they can give her medication for the pain and it helps a lot. Now we just pray little Mia doesn't wait too long.

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