Baby Girl

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Samantha was 18 weeks along so that means that this doctors appointment was the one where we could find out the gender and it be most accurate. We talked about doing a gender reveal with everyone but with us beating the Wild and moving on to the Western Confrence Finals to play the King's and Shawns graduation party and the girls on the team wanting to throw Sam a baby shower before the playoffs are done with we decided we should know now and celebrate with everyone else later.

And to be honest I was kind of nervous, I didn't care what the baby was, but to know makes this a little bit more real. Life comes at you fast, and these first five months of this year has been absolutely insane. This moment was about to be up there with the best so the nerves were high.

Sam goes in and does the hands on part of the check up on her own. They do all the normal check up things and check her cervix for anything abnormal. Once she gets the all clear and dressed again I join her for the sonogram. As soon as I hear the heartbeat I smile big because I know that the baby is alive and well in there. I get tears in my eyes knowing that the baby was still going strong, just like it's momma. The nurse moves the camera around before finding what she was looking for.

"Alright you guys, it looks like you have a healthy baby girl" the nurse announces and my smile gets as big as it's ever been. I do a little cheer in my seat because I secretly wanted a girl. I wouldn't be mad if it was a boy, but a girl would be a lot of fun. I don't know why but I see all these pictures of dads with their daughters and it makes my heart happy. I only have a brother and I know my mom wanted a little girl so bad, that's all she wanted in life. And now we have it.

We thank the doctors before we head to the car. As soon as we get outside I do a little skip causing Sam to laugh at me. "Someone's excited" she notices.

"I couldn't be happier" I assure her as I skip back to her side. I grab her hips and press a soft kiss to her forehead.

"So you really wanted a girl" she asks.

"I wanted a baby" I correct. "But I can't wait for daddy daughter dates and bringing her to games and her knowing that hockey isn't just for boys, because mommy plays too and she can too if she wants to" I explain.

"You want our child to be a feminist" she teases.

"I mean shouldn't everyone" I ask.

"Fair point" she nods. "But I'm not sure you understand how much work goes into raising a girl. I mean my dad raised me like a boy because it was hard for him to explain why other little girls can be so mean or why I never felt beautiful because I was constantly comparing myself to others. It wasn't easy growing up" she defends.

"But she has the best person to look after to be herself and know that is all we want from her. I mean if I had to pick the perfect woman for my daughter to mold herself like it would be you. I don't have a doubt in my mind that she won't be strong hearted and smart in the ways she needs to be. I'm not saying she has to play hockey to be tough or have straight A's to fit this mold of a perfect child. I mean that she is going to be strong because you were always strong from her and she's going to learn from you like I did and see that life... it can be so beautiful should you make it that way" I say.

"You're putting a lot of faith in me when I have no expertise in being a mother" she claims.

"I always have the upmost faith in you Sammy. You're the type of person that in any situation I can count on you to do what's right. Motherhood is no exception" I assure her.

"Well thank you, because I certainly don't feel like I have a grip on all of this. Thanks to you I feel a lot better though" she admits.

"Good. So what should we name her" I wonder. We had talked about a few names but we haven't had one name picked out yet.

"I kinda really like Mia. Mia Crawford" she says.

I smile big as I nod, I was hoping she would like that name. "I love that. What about a middle name" I question.

"I'm not really sure, I haven't given it much thought with trying to think of a first name" she admits.

"What about your middle name? It can be Rae. Mia Rae Crawford" I insist.

"That's beautiful Corey" she smiles extra big. Like I wouldn't already do anything for this woman, she was not making it easy for me.

"Perfect. So let's go tell everyone so we can get things figured out" I insist.

"Yes sir" she nods.

So we head on home where we send out texts, media posts and whatever else we needed to let the world know that the next super goalie was a little girl named Mia Rae. The players girls were so excited and already have baby shower ideas and can set up now. Everything was coming together finally.

We get ready for the game tonight and I was pretty excited. Waite called in sick so that means Sam gets to be behind the bench tonight with Q and a few other coaches. It was going to be cool to have her down with us instead of in the boxes. And it's awesome to be a part of all the history she's making, I get to watch her pave the way for others which means everything to me.

"The girls are asking what I want for the baby shower. What should I ask for" she wonders.

"Sleep" I tease as she giggles at me.

"You know they will be here to watch the baby every time we need a nap. But I need a list of things we need for the baby shower" she explains.

"Just have them get fun and cute things. Leave the big stuff for our families, that's why we have them" I joke.

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