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Being a NHL coach is pretty cool. Especially since I knew these guys before I got the job, I had played with them and practiced with them. I know what they expect and how to get what they expect. It's a lot different than what I'm used to because I am usually the one playing. The transition from player to coach was weird but it felt right. I loved the mechanics of this game, watching film and learning the opponents strength and weaknesses. As a goalie coach there's a lot to know, you have to know the other teams power play numbers, look at their shooters and where they shoot from. Then there's line combinations and which players are hot and which ones are cold. A goalie has to think the whole game which is weird for someone who can see anywhere from 20 to 50 shots in a game. You can't really prepare for what happens on any given night, but we can try.

So I get dressed for the game in my most professional suit I had. With how much I've been growing recently I've become very thankful for open suit jackets because I certainly wouldn't be able to button it here soon. Once I looked professional I head out to the living room and find my purse. I dig through it looking for my favorite lipstick and smile when I find it.

"You ready for tonight" Corey asks as he joins me. He kisses my cheek because he knew if he kissed my lips he would get lipstick on his lips again.

"Ready for what" I ask him.

"We're doing the video board thing for you tonight with the ceremony and all that stuff, remember" he asks.

My eyes get extra big as I let out a gasp. "Holy fuck... I totally forgot about that" I gasp.

"They got the commissioner here and your team USA coach is going to be here. They even made you a special goalie stick for breaking the barrier and you forgot" he questions.

"I guess I was so into the analytics for the game tonight" I shrug. "Now I gotta go change into something more lady like and put on more makeup" I sigh.

"Why" Corey asks and I look at him weird. "I mean... like why do you need to? You look stunning" he claims and I roll my eyes.

"You literally always say that. But I do know who would give his honest opinion" I admit.

I pull out my phone and open up face time before calling the one person I talk to on here most now that I go to away games with Corey.

"What's up Short stuff" my brother answers and I roll my eyes. "You ready for tonight?"

"About that... I kinda forgot the ceremony was tonight. Can you tell me if I need to change" I ask him.

"Have Corey help you" he whines.

"I could wear a yellow and black striped dress and he would tell me look good" I scoff.

"She's not wrong" Corey says as he comes into the frame.

"See" I defend.

"You look great Sammy. I would curl the hair though, a lot of people will be taking pictures and this will be put up in a lot of places and you don't want to look flat. But other than that you look great" he claims.

"Thanks jerk" I tease.

"Any time butt face" he smiles.

So I curl my hair before we rush over to the United Center. I felt really bad for forgetting about this but there's nothing I can do about it now.

Come game time they put carpet down on the ice and that's where I will be since I'm not in skates. I grab my mom and my brother and they join me down on the carpet. Corey skates over after warm ups and he kisses me on the lips this time.

"I thought you got a lot of crap for getting lipstick on you last time" I tease.

"Well I get to kiss you so it's worth it" he smirks.

He stands beside me as the commissioner comes out and hands me the really cool golden goalie stick. I get to see my team USA coach and take pictures with everyone down there before they show a video.

It starts off with a home video of me and dad in the house training. My mom hated when we worked out inside but there wasn't really a time I wasn't working on my hockey skills regardless of where I was. Seeing my dad up there warmed my heart. He was tossing me tennis balls as I worked on catching and blocking. He had the biggest smile on his face as he watched me and it made my heart happy. This... all of this... this is what he wanted. And it killed me he wasn't on this ice with me, but seeing him up on the board made up for it.

After a few home videos we get to the college days and those were a lot of fun. Those teams I was on were so good, it's not like I won those championships or MVP's on my own. I played with a lot of girls who lead the charge in woman's hockey. I was lucky to be on those teams and even get to play with and against a few of them in the Olympics.

Then they show highlights from the game I played here at the United Center. I honestly haven't watched a second from that game since that night so it was cool to relive parts of it, I got chills all over again. I had no clue how much my life was changing that night. That's where Corey and I started, that's where I got back into competitive hockey. This team has given me so many opportunities and I was so thankful to be a part of it.

It finishes up with highlights from the Olympics which surprisingly again I haven't rewatched. But it made this moment that much more special.

Once the videos were done the commissioner says some words about what it means to have the first female player and coach coming from a original six franchise. He was hoping there would be more girls joining me here soon and I couldn't agree more.

They hand me the microphone and for the second time today I forget everything.

"I just want to thank everyone who helped me get to this place. My beer league team took me in when I came back to Chicago and if it wasn't for them I wouldn't have been at the game that day. They never cared that I was a girl, they accepted me and helped me keep playing the game I love. I want to thank my family for supporting me even when I wanted to give up on hockey. This was my dad and I's dream and with him missing part of me is too. But I'm happy I got to be everything he said I was going to be.

And of course I want to thank Stan Bowman, John Mcdoughna and Coach Q. They took a big chance on me asking me to work with them. Even though I turned down the offer to play and I'm expecting a kid they still believe that I can bring something to this team, even with being a woman. And that gives me strength and belief that I can do this too.

I can't leave out the man who honestly inspired me to continue this journey in the sport I love. Corey, you've been my biggest fan from the beginning who isn't my brother. You've been right there next to me from the moment I stepped out onto this ice for the first time and every second after. I couldn't have done this without you and this is all just the beginning. I can't wait to hopefully one day be playing beside you and hopefully against my little brother" I tease.

Corey pulls me into a hug and I smile as big as ever. The crowd dies out as I felt right at home in his arms.

"I love you Snow White" he jokes and I laugh.

"I love you too Crow."

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